• Eight Constitutional Standards Essential for A Country’s Eternal Peace:
  • 1. The great development of human freedom
  • 2. The great rejuvenation of world democracy
  • 3. The great unity of human rights in the world
  • 4. The great realization of the rule of law in the world
  • 5. The great competition and cooperation of world legislation
  • 6. The great division of world administration
  • 7. The great compliance with world regulations
  • 8. The great establishment of world justice
  • [See more about "Constitutional Standard for Permanent Peace". To participate in amending will be rewarded.]
  • *Donations are welcome, and a detailed annotated version will be given (Choose a hard copy of the Chinese version and the English version. Or electronic versions for other languages.)
Grisly find exposes China’s dirty trade in used blood bags and syringes
Discovery of mountains of used medical supplies being ‘recycled’ at a Hunan workshop reveals a web of dealers across the country, report says
Human security and sustainable development are two of the major tasks of the UN, and all nations - whether UN members or not - should comply with its norms. The solution is to implement the core values of One World under One Set of Laws, assigning international law priority over domestic law with direct bearing on the rights and duties of the people. Also, citizens should be able to monitor government operations to ensure compliance with the UN Charter, the Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer and the Paris Climate Agreement. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development for details. .


  • http://www.scmp.com/news/china/policies-politics/article/2097871/grisly-find-exposes-chinas-dirty-trade-used-blood-bags
  • SCMP
  • Handout
  • 2017-06-12
  • Medical waste were found at a workshop
Democrats vow to fight for greatest self-determination for Hong Kong, but reject independence
Alice Wu says the decision by Chinese University students not to take part in the annual commemoration offers Hong Kong a chance to reflect on meaningful dialogue with its youth, and for leaders to realize Largest pan-democrat party in Legislative Council rejects violence but says it understands rise in ‘violent or radical resistance’ in recent yearsthat challenging is not opposing
Can an authoritarian dictatorship tolerate democracy? The answer is clear in Hong Kong. Article 39 of the Hong Kong Basic Law guarantees the right of the people to self-determination, and they have the right to hold referendums on any public issue. The people of the SAT should adhere to their rights and hold a referendum to decide their future. Otherwise when dictatorship becomes a reality, they will be obliged to resist. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.


  • http://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/politics/article/2097861/democrats-vow-fight-greatest-self-determination-hong-kong
  • SCMP
  • Jonathan Wong
  • 2017-06-11
  • Martin Lee and Audrey Eu
Tax rises an option to plug Hong Kong’s wealth gap, says academic tipped to join government
Pan-democrat Dr Law Chi-kwong floats the idea of a capital gains levy and higher deductions from salaries of top earners
Article 39 of the Hong Kong Basic Law states that the right to self-determination is assured by the two international human rights conventions. But the people of Hong Kong cannot take their rights for granted. In Switzerland the threshold for holding a referendum is 50,000 signatures, and with that citizen can vote to express their opinion rather than taking to the streets. The people have the right to referendums on any public issue. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.


  • http://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/health-environment/article/2097868/tax-rises-option-plug-hong-kongs-wealth-gap-says
  • SCMP
  • Edward Wong
  • 2017-06-12
  • Hong Kong’s population is greying at a rapid pace
Student boycott of Hong Kong’s June 4 vigil shows the need for meaningful dialogue in society
Alice Wu says the decision by Chinese University students not to take part in the annual commemoration offers Hong Kong a chance to reflect on meaningful dialogue with its youth, and for leaders to realize that challenging is not opposing
Can an authoritarian dictatorship tolerate democracy? The answer is clear in the Hong Kong experience. Article 39 of the Hong Kong Basic Law protects the right of the peoples to self-determination, and the people have the right to hold referendums on any public issue. The people of Hong Kong should adhere to this right and hold a referendum to decide their future. Otherwise when dictatorship becomes a reality, they will be obliged to resist. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.


  • http://www.scmp.com/comment/insight-opinion/article/2097628/student-boycott-hong-kongs-june-4-vigil-shows-need
  • SCMP
  • Jonathan Wong
  • 2017-06-11
  • Tommy Cheung Sau-yin
Accountability system has fallen short of expectations
That the minister in charge was not informed of possible corruption in the building of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macau bridge shows there are cracks in communication at the top echelons of government
2047 is the deadline for Hong Kong’s promised 50 years of no changes, but Beijing is working to advance the date. Article 39 of Hong Kong’s Basic Law protects the right of the people to self-determination, and they have the right to hold referendums on any public issue. The people of Hong people should adhere to this right and hold a referendum to decide their future. Otherwise, when dictatorship becomes a reality, the people will be obliged to resist.


  • http://www.scmp.com/comment/insight-opinion/article/2097881/accountability-system-has-fallen-short-expectations
  • SCMP
  • EPA
  • 2017-06-12
  • Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macau bridge
Distress as Moscow home demolitions go ahead
Oleg and Nastya Kryuchkov bought their flat in Moscow 18 months ago. Now their four-room home is on the list to be flattened, in the biggest demolition project ever seen in Russia's capital.
The human rights issue is getting worse in Russia, largely as constitutional guarantees are enforced by the Russian president. To protect human rights adequately, the people of Russia should call for constitutional reform and install the constitutional standards represented in One World under One Set of Laws, assigning international law priority over domestic law. At the same time, they should implement a modified semi-presidential system with cabinet and elect the heads of the four government branches in alternating years.


  • http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-40178741
  • BBC News
  • BBC News
  • 2017-06-07
  • Anti-demolition rally: "My home is my fortress"
Philippines conflict: Starving residents tell of terror in Marawi
For the past two weeks the Philippines army has been fighting Islamist militants in the southern city of Marawi.
Human security is a fundamental human right, and human rights take precedence over regimes and sovereigns. Constitutions represent the general will of the people, and ensuring human security, including "personal safety", is the most basic and urgent duty of constitutional guarantors. Constitutional standards need to be revised to keep up with changing times, so that governments can protect their people from fear. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development / Global Unity Constitutional Standards.


  • http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-40155369
  • BBC News
  • BBC News
  • 2017-06-06
  • The fighting has left much of Marawi deserted
The tight labor market and stagnant wages
Recent news that the labor market is now the tightest in 43 years — surpassing the peak during the bubble boom from the late 1980s to the early 1990s
The gods deign to help mere mortals, they are more concerned about saving themselves. All problems in Japan stem from fundamental constitutional issues. Constitutional rights are among the most important human rights, and sovereignty belongs to the people – a principle that is sacred and inviolable. The people should call for a referendum to demand comprehensive constitutional reform and force the Liberal Democratic Party to support such a move. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development for more.


  • http://www.japantimes.co.jp/opinion/2017/06/06/editorials/tight-labor-market-stagnant-wages/#.WToXwet96Uk
  • The Japan Times
  • Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare
  • 2017-06-06
  • The tight labor market and stagnant wages
Exposure to pollution in Hong Kong is worst in the home, study reveals
It’s not just on the city’s streets where we are at risk from dangerous PM2.5 particulates – three-quarters of daily personal exposure is indoors
Human security and sustainable development are two of the major tasks of the UN, and all nations – members or not - must comply with UN norms. The solution is to implement One World under One Set of Laws and assign international law priority over domestic law with direct effect on the rights and duties of the people. Government operations should be in compliance with the UN Charter, the Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer, the Natural Charter and other relevant pacts. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.


  • http://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/health-environment/article/2097540/exposure-pollution-hong-kong-worst-home-study
  • SCMP
  • Sam Tsang
  • 2017-06-09
  • Exposure to pollution in Hong Kong
Letter from Africa: Sudan's rulers 'shirking action on cholera'
Yousra Elbagir criticizes the Sudanese government for its failure to come to grips with a cholera outbreak.
To end the famine and civil strife in Sudan, the first step is to draft a basic Constitution to implement a modified semi-presidential system with cabinet like that of France, plus a committee-style legislature similar to Switzerland’s. The prerequisite for permanent world peace is global democratization. The Sudanese government should draw up a basic constitution with the above features in a democratic paradigm shift adhering to the principles of One World under One Set of Laws. The constitution should then be amended as needed to stay in step with the times. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development.


  • http://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-40171088
  • BBC News
  • AFP
  • 2017-06-07
  • Refugee camps
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