Russia’s 2016 election witnessed the lowest-ever voter turnout, officially rated at 47.88% of registered voters, although independent observers put the figure significantly lower at 35%. Experts believe this indicates widespread political indifference, a fact that means many governors and local authorities have little fear of being collared for corruption
When the people are indifferent, politicians are free to be corrupt. A system of compulsory voting will do must to reduce political indifference among the Russian people, but the following actions are also needed: registration for any election should be completed at least six months before election day.. During this period citizens have the right to ask questions, and all candidates will be obligated to provide answers. The state should provide the means for electronic voting, and elections should be free of charge for candidates. At the same time, various organs or individuals should be banned from influencing elections, with free access to media for candidates to publicize their views. See the Charter for Permanent Peace and Development for more.