總類、專有名詞、標準化(Generalities. Terminology. Standardization. Documentation)
術語(原則和協調配合)(Terminology (principles and coordination))
總類。專有名詞。標準化。文書(詞彙)(Generalities. Terminology. Standardization. Documentation (Vocabularies))
服務。公司組織、管理和品質。管理。運輸。社會學。 (詞彙)(Services. Company organization, management and quality. Administration. Transport. Sociology. (Vocabularies))
數學。自然科學(詞彙)(Mathematics. Natural sciences (Vocabularies))
醫藥衛生技術(詞彙)(Health care technology (Vocabularies))
環境。健康保障。安全(詞彙)(Environment. Health protection. Safety (Vocabularies))
計量和測量。物理現象(詞彙)(Metrology and measurement. Physical phenomena (Vocabularies))
測試(詞彙)(Testing (Vocabularies))
機械系統和部件通用件(詞彙)(Mechanical systems and components for general use (Vocabularies))
流體系統和部件通用件(詞彙)(Fluid systems and components for general use (Vocabularies))
機械製造(詞彙)(Manufacturing engineering (Vocabularies))
能源和熱傳導工程(詞彙)(Energy and heat transfer engineering (Vocabularies))
電氣工程(詞彙)(Electrical engineering (Vocabularies))
電子(詞彙)(Electronics (Vocabularies))
電訊。音頻和視頻技術(詞彙)(Telecommunications. Audio and video engineering (Vocabularies))
資訊技術。辦公室機器(詞彙)(Information technology. Office machines (Vocabularies))
圖像技術(詞彙)(Image technology (Vocabularies))
精密機械。珠寶(詞彙)(Precision mechanics. Jewellery (Vocabularies))
道路車輛工程(詞彙)(Road vehicle engineering (Vocabularies))
鐵路工程(詞彙)(Railway engineering (Vocabularies))
造船和海上建築物(詞彙)(Shipbuilding and marine structures (Vocabularies))
飛機和航天器技術(詞彙)(Aircraft and space vehicle engineering (Vocabularies))
材料處理設備(詞彙)(Materials handling equipment (Vocabularies))
包裝和貨物配送(詞彙)(Packaging and distribution of goods (Vocabularies))
紡織和皮革技術(詞彙)(Textile and leather technology (Vocabularies))
服裝工業(詞彙)(Clothing industry (Vocabularies))
農業(詞彙)(Agriculture (Vocabularies))
食品技術(詞彙)(Food technology (Vocabularies))
化工技術(詞彙)(Chemical technology (Vocabularies))
採礦和礦產品(詞彙)(Mining and minerals (Vocabularies))
石油及相關技術(詞彙)(Petroleum and related technologies (Vocabularies))
冶金(詞彙)(Metallurgy (Vocabularies))
木材技術(詞彙)(Wood technology (Vocabularies))
玻璃和陶瓷工業(詞彙)(Glass and ceramics industries (Vocabularies))
橡膠和塑膠工業(詞彙)(Rubber and plastics industries (Vocabularies))
造紙技術(詞彙)(Paper technology (Vocabularies))
油漆和顏料工業(詞彙)(Paint and colour industries (Vocabularies))
建築材料和建築物(詞彙)(Construction materials and building (Vocabularies))
土木工程(詞彙)(Civil engineering (Vocabularies))
軍事工程(詞彙)(Military engineering (Vocabularies))
家用和商用設備。娛樂。運動(詞彙)(Domestic and commercial equipment. Entertainment. Sports (Vocabularies))
量和單位(Quantities and units)
色碼(Colour coding)
字符符號(Character symbols)
圖形符號(Graphical symbols)
一般圖形符號(Graphical symbols in general)
公共資訊符號(Public information symbols)
圖形符號專用設備(Graphical symbols for use on specific equipment)
用於機械工程和建築圖紙、圖表、設計圖、地圖和相關技術產品文件之圖形符號(Graphical symbols for use on mechanical engineering and construction drawings, diagrams, plans, maps and in relevant technical product documentation)
用於電氣工程和電子工程圖紙、圖表、圖表和相關技術產品文件之圖形符號(Graphical symbols for use on electrical and electronics engineering drawings, diagrams, charts and in relevant technical product documentation)
用於資訊技術和通訊技術圖紙和相關技術產品文件之圖形符號(Graphical symbols for use on information technology and telecommunications technical drawings and in relevant technical product documentation)
其他圖形符號(Other graphical symbols)
技術圖紙(Technical drawings)
一般技術圖紙(Technical drawings in general)
機械工程製圖(Mechanical engineering drawings)
電氣和電子工程製圖(Electrical and electronics engineering drawings)
通訊和資訊技術領域用之技術圖紙(Technical drawings for telecommunications and information technology fields)
施工圖紙(Construction drawings)
製圖設備(Drawing equipment)
其他相關技術圖紙標準(Other standards related to technical drawings)
技術產品文件(Technical product documentation)
標準化。一般規則(Standardization. General rules)
資訊科學。出版(Information sciences. Publishing)
寫作與音譯(Writing and transliteration)
信息科學(Information sciences)
行政、商業和工業用之文書(Documents in administration, commerce and industry)
服務業、公司(企業)組織管理及品質。行政。運輸。社會學(Services. Company organization, management and quality. Administration. Transport. Sociology)
社會學。人口統計(Sociology. Demography)
勞工。就業(Labour. Employment)
財政。銀行業務。貨幣體系。保險(Finances. Banking. Monetary systems. Insurance)
一般服務業(Services in general)
工業服務(Industrial services)
為企業服務(Services for companies)
為消費者服務(Services for consumers)
其他服務業(Other services)
企業組織和管理(Company organization and management)
公司於股東的組織和管理(Company organization and management in general)
採購。採購。物流(Purchasing. Procurement. Logistics)
貿易。商業功能。市場銷售(Trade. Commercial function. Marketing)
人力資源管理(Management of human resources)
研究和開發(Research and development)
生產。生產管理(Production. Production management)
其他相關企業組織和管理標準(Other standards related to company organization and management)
質量一般(Quality in general)
品質管理和品質保證(Quality management and quality assurance)
產品和公司的認證。合格評定(Product and company certification. Conformity assessment)
應用統計方法(Application of statistical methods)
其他相關品質標準(Other standards related to quality)
專利。智慧財產(Patents. Intellectual property)
法。管理(Law. Administration)
休閒。觀光(Leisure. Tourism)
一般運輸(Transport in general)
公路運輸(Road transport)
運輸通過鐵路(Transport by rail)
漕(Transport by water)
航空運輸(Air transport)
其他形式之運輸業(Other forms of transport)
郵政服務(Postal services)
數學、自然科學(Mathematics. Natural Sciences)
物理。化學(Physics. Chemistry)
天文學。大地測量學。地理(Astronomy. Geodesy. Geography)
地質學。氣象學。水文學(Geology. Meteorology. Hydrology)
生物學。植物學。動物學(Biology. Botany. Zoology)
一般微生物學(Microbiology in general)
醫用微生物學(Medical microbiology)
水中微生物學(Microbiology of water)
食品微生物學(Food microbiology)
其他相關微生物學標準(Other standards related to microbiology)
衛生保健技術(Health care technology)
醫學和衛生保健設施一般(Medical sciences and health care facilities in general)
醫療設備(Medical equipment)
一般醫療設備(Medical equipment in general)
麻醉,呼吸和復甦設備(Anaesthetic, respiratory and reanimation equipment)
輸血,輸液和注射設備(Transfusion, infusion and injection equipment)
注射器、針頭和導管(Syringes, needles and catheters)
手術器械和材料(Surgical instruments and materials)
外科植入物,假肢和矯形器(Implants for surgery, prosthetics and orthotics)
影像學設備(Radiographic equipment)
診斷設備(Diagnostic equipment)
治療設備(Therapy equipment)
眼科設備(Ophthalmic equipment)
其他醫療設備(Other medical equipment)
一般牙科(Dentistry in general)
牙科材料(Dental materials)
牙科植入物(Dental implants)
牙科設備(Dental equipment)
牙科器械(Dental instruments)
滅菌和消毒(Sterilization and disinfection)
殺菌,消毒的一般(Sterilization and disinfection in general)
消毒設備(Sterilizing equipment)
消毒與防腐劑(Disinfectants and antiseptics)
無菌包裝(Sterilized packaging)
其他相關滅菌和消毒標準(Other standards related to sterilization and disinfection)
檢驗醫學(Laboratory medicine)
一般檢驗醫學(Laboratory medicine in general)
體外診斷系統(In vitro diagnostic test systems)
醫療器材生物性評估(Biological evaluation of medical devices)
血液和尿液分析(Analysis of blood and urine)
其他相關檢驗醫學標準(Other standards related to laboratory medicine)
一般藥劑學(Pharmaceutics in general)
傷口敷料和敷布(Wound dressings and compresses)
有關製藥學的其他標準(Other standards related to pharmaceutics)
醫院設備(Hospital equipment)
急救(First aid)
艾滋病殘疾人或行動障礙人士(Aids for disabled or handicapped persons)
一般愛滋病之身心障礙或傷殘病患(Aids for disabled and handicapped persons in general)
艾滋病和適應移動(Aids and adaptation for moving)
愛滋病之耳聾和聽力障礙病患(Aids for deaf and hearing impaired people)
愛滋病失禁和人工造口術(Aids for incontinence and ostomy)
輔助盲人或弱視人群(Aids for blind or partially sighted people)
愛滋病飲食(Aids for drinking and eating)
其他相關愛滋病身心障礙或傷殘病患標準(Other standards related to aids for disabled and handicapped people)
節育。機械性避孕法(Birth control. Mechanical contraceptives)
獸藥(Veterinary medicine)
環保。保健。安全(Environment. Health protection. Safety)
環境保護(Environmental protection)
一般環境和環保(Environment and environmental protection in general)
環境管理(Environmental management)
環境經濟學(Environmental economics)
環境影響評價(Environmental impact assessment)
污染,污染控制和保護(Pollution, pollution control and conservation)
產品生命週期(Product life-cycles)
環保專案(Environmental projects)
其他相關環保標準(Other standards related to environmental protection)
一般廢棄物(Wastes in general)
固體廢棄物(Solid wastes)
液體廢棄物。污泥(Liquid wastes. Sludge)
特殊廢物(Special wastes)
裝置和設備廢物處理(Installations and equipment for waste disposal and treatment)
有關廢物的其他標準(Other standards related to wastes)
空氣品質(Air quality)
一般空氣品質(Air quality in general)
大氣環境(Ambient atmospheres)
工作場所(Workplace atmospheres)
無塵室與相關控制環境(Cleanrooms and associated controlled environments)
固定污染源(Stationary source emissions)
交通廢氣排放量(Transport exhaust emissions)
其他相關空氣品質標準(Other standards related to air quality)
水質(Water quality)
一般水品質(Water quality in general)
天然水(Water of natural resources)
飲用水(Drinking water)
工業用水(Water for industrial use)
污水(Sewage water)
一般水質檢查(Examination of water in general)
水之化學物質檢測(Examination of water for chemical substances)
水之物理性質檢測(Examination of physical properties of water)
水之生物性質檢測(Examination of biological properties of water)
其他相關水質標準(Other standards related to water quality)
土壤品質。土壤學(Soil quality. Pedology)
在一般的土壤質量和土壤學(Soil quality and pedology in general)
一般土壤檢測(Examination of soils in general)
土壤之化學性質檢測(Chemical characteristics of soils)
土壤之物理性質檢測(Physical properties of soils)
土壤之生物性質檢測(Biological properties of soils)
土壤之水文性質檢測(Hydrological properties of soils)
與土壤質量的其他標準(Other standards related to soil quality)
職業安全。工業衛生(Occupational safety. Industrial hygiene)
機械安全(Safety of machinery)
家用品安全(Domestic safety)
噪音對於人類(Noise with respect to human beings)
與人類相關之振動與衝擊(Vibration and shock with respect to human beings)
事故和災害控制(Accident and disaster control)
火災防護(Protection against fire)
防止火災一般(Protection against fire in general)
防火(Fire protection)
易燃性和燃燒性能之材料和產品(Ignitability and burning behaviour of materials and products)
耐火建築材料和構件(Fire-resistance of building materials and elements)
其他相關火災防護標準(Other standards related to protection against fire)
防爆(Explosion protection)
防超壓保護(Protection against excessive pressure)
防觸電保護。帶電作業(Protection against electric shock. Live working)
輻射防護(Radiation protection)
防止危險品(Protection against dangerous goods)
防犯罪(Protection against crime)
預警和警報系統(Alarm and warning systems)
防護設備(Protective equipment)
一般防護設備(Protective equipment in general)
防護服(Protective clothing)
頭部防護設備(Head protective equipment)
呼吸防護具(Respiratory protective devices)
手和手臂保護(Hand and arm protection)
腿和腳的保護(Leg and foot protection)
防墜落和滑動(Protection against falling and slipping)
救生衣、浮力裝置及漂浮工具(Lifejackets, buoyancy aids and flotation devices)
其他防護設備(Other protective equipment)
計量學和測量。物理現象(Metrology and measurement. Physical phenomena)
計量學和測量綜合(Metrology and measurement in general)
線性和角度測量(Linear and angular measurements)
一般線性和角度測量(Linear and angular measurements in general)
限界與配合(Limits and fits)
表面性質(Properties of surfaces)
測量儀器(Measuring instruments)
其他相關線性和角度測量標準(Other standards related to linear and angular measurements)
的體積,質量,密度,粘度測量(Measurement of volume, mass, density, viscosity)
時間,速度,加速度,角速度的測量(Measurement of time, velocity, acceleration, angular velocity)
測量力,重力和壓力(Measurement of force, weight and pressure)
流體流量的測量(Measurement of fluid flow)
一般流體流量的測量(Measurement of fluid flow in general)
密閉管道流量(Flow in closed conduits)
明渠水流(Flow in open channels)
聲學和聲學測量(Acoustics and acoustic measurements)
聲學測量和一般噪音消減(Acoustic measurements and noise abatement in general)
機器和設備之噪音(Noise emitted by machines and equipment)
按運輸方式發出的噪音(Noise emitted by means of transport)
其他相關聲音標準(Other standards related to acoustics)
振動,衝擊和振動測量(Vibrations, shock and vibration measurements)
光學和光學測量(Optics and optical measurements)
一般光學和光學測量(Optics and optical measurements in general)
光之顏色及測量(Colours and measurement of light)
光學測量儀器(Optical measuring instruments)
其他相關光學和光學測量標準(Other standards related to optics and optical measurements)
熱力學和溫度測量(Thermodynamics and temperature measurements)
一般熱力學(Thermodynamics in general)
熱。量熱(Heat. Calorimetry)
溫度測量儀器(Temperature-measuring instruments)
其他相關熱力學標準(Other standards related to thermodynamics)
電力。磁性。電和磁性的測量(Electricity. Magnetism. Electrical and magnetic measurements)
輻射測量(Radiation measurements)
一般測試條件與程序(Test conditions and procedures in general)
環境測試(Environmental testing)
機械測試(Mechanical testing)
電氣和電子測試(Electrical and electronic testing)
無損檢測(Non-destructive testing)
粒度分析。篩分(Particle size analysis. Sieving)
機械系統和通用件(Mechanical systems and components for general use)
特性和機械,儀器,設備的設計(Characteristics and design of machines, apparatus, equipment)
螺紋(Screw threads)
一般螺紋(Screw threads in general)
公制螺紋(Metric screw threads)
英制螺紋(Inch screw threads)
特殊螺紋(Special screw threads)
一般緊扣件(Fasteners in general)
螺栓、螺釘、螺柱(Bolts, screws, studs)
華司、上鎖配件(Washers, locking elements)
針釘、釘(Pins, nails)
環圈、軸襯、套管、圈(Rings, bushes, sleeves, collars)
夾具和 訂書釘(Clamps and staples)
其他緊扣件(Other fasteners)
鉸鏈、雞眼扣和其他鉸接接頭(Hinges, eyelets and other articulated joints)
一般軸承(Bearings in general)
滑動軸承(Plain bearings)
滾動軸承(Rolling bearings)
軸和聯軸器(Shafts and couplings)
一般之軸和聯軸器(Shafts and couplings in general)
鍵和鍵槽、花鍵(Keys and keyways, splines)
平衡和平衡機(Balancing and balancing machines)
其他相關軸和聯軸器標準(Other standards related to shafts and couplings)
封、蓋(Seals, glands)
機械外殼、殼體、其他機械零件(Housings, enclosures, other machine parts)
撓性驅動和傳輸(Flexible drives and transmissions)
一般之撓性驅動和傳輸(Flexible drives and transmissions in general)
皮帶驅動及其零件(Belt drives and their components)
電纜或繩驅動及其零件件(Cable or rope drives and their components)
鏈驅動及其零件(Chain drives and their components)
其他撓性驅動和傳輸(Other flexible drives and transmissions)
旋轉往復機制及其零部件(Rotary-reciprocating mechanisms and their parts)
潤滑系統(Lubrication systems)
通用之流體系統和(Fluid systems and components for general use)
流體儲存裝置(Fluid storage devices)
一般流體儲存裝置(Fluid storage devices in general)
固定容器和罐箱(Stationary containers and tanks)
車用容器(Vessels and containers mounted on vehicles)
燃氣壓力容器、氣瓶(Gas pressure vessels, gas cylinders)
低溫容器(Cryogenic vessels)
其他流體儲存裝置(Other fluid storage devices)
管線零件和管線(Pipeline components and pipelines)
一般管線零件和管線(Pipeline components and pipelines in general)
鐵管及鋼管(Iron and steel pipes)
非鐵金屬管(Non-ferrous metal pipes)
塑料管(Plastics pipes)
金屬配件(Metal fittings)
塑料配件(Plastics fittings)
管材和管件等材料(Pipes and fittings of other materials)
輪緣、聯軸及接頭(Flanges, couplings and joints)
軟管和軟管組件(Hoses and hose assemblies)
管道和軟管組合密封零件(Seals for pipe and hose assemblies)
其他管線零件(Other pipeline components)
一般閥(Valves in general)
球形閥(Globe valves)
球閥和栓塞閥(Ball and plug valves)
閘門閥(Gate valves)
壓力調節器(Pressure regulators)
止回閥(Check valves)
其他閥門(Other valves)
流體動力系統(Fluid power systems)
一般流體動力系統(Fluid power systems in general)
泵和馬達(Pumps and motors)
聯軸及接頭(Piping and couplings)
控制元件(Control components)
流體過濾器、密封件和污染(Filters, seals and contamination of fluids)
其他流體動力系統零件(Other fluid power system components)
通風機。螺旋葉片。冷氣機(Ventilators. Fans. Air-conditioners)
壓縮機及+E735氣動機(Compressors and pneumatic machines)
真空技術(Vacuum technology)
製造工程(Manufacturing engineering)
製造程序(Manufacturing forming processes)
工業自動化系統(Industrial automation systems)
一般工業自動化系統(Industrial automation systems in general)
加工機(Machining centres)
數值控制機器(Numerically controlled machines)
工業機器人。機器人(Industrial robots. Manipulators)
工業過程測量和控制(Industrial process measurement and control)
其他工業自動化系統(Other industrial automation systems)
機床系統(Machine tool systems)
一般機床系統(Machine tool systems in general)
組合單元和其他裝置(Modular units and other devices)
分度和刀具工件夾持裝置(Dividing and tool-workpiece holding devices)
其他機床系統(Other machine tool systems)
機床(Machine tools)
一般機床(Machine tools in general)
鏜銑床(Boring and milling machines)
刨床(Planing machines)
拉床(Broaching machines)
鑽床(Drilling machines)
研磨、拋光機(Grinding and polishing machines)
鋸床(Sawing machines)
其他機床(Other machine tools)
切削工具(Cutting tools)
一般切削工具(Cutting tools in general)
車削工具(Turning tools)
銑刀(Milling tools)
刨床與拉床工具(Tools for planing and broaching machines)
鑽頭、锪鑽、鉸刀(Drills, countersinks, reamers)
絲錐和板牙(Taps and threading dies)
其他切削工具(Other cutting tools)
無屑加工設備(Chipless working equipment)
一般無屑加工設備(Chipless working equipment in general)
鍛壓設備。壓碎器。剪刀(Forging equipment. Presses. Shears)
軋製、擠壓和拉製設備(Rolling, extruding and drawing equipment)
模製設備(Moulding equipment)
電化學機器(Electrochemical machines)
其他無屑加工設備(Other chipless working equipment)
手持工具(Hand-held tools)
一般手持工具(Hand-held tools in general)
氣動工具(Pneumatic tools)
電動工具(Electric tools)
手持式工具(Hand-operated tools)
其他手持工具(Other hand-held tools)
焊接,釬焊和焊接(Welding, brazing and soldering)
焊接,釬焊和焊接,一般(Welding, brazing and soldering in general)
焊接工藝(Welding processes)
焊材(Welding consumables)
焊接設備(Welding equipment)
焊接接頭和焊縫(Welded joints and welds)
釬焊和焊接(Brazing and soldering)
工業爐(Industrial furnaces)
工業爐(Industrial furnaces in general)
電爐(Electric furnaces)
燃油爐(Fuel furnaces)
熱處理(Heat treatment)
表面處理和塗層(Surface treatment and coating)
一般表面處理和塗層(Surface treatment and coating in general)
表面處理(Surface preparation)
表面處理(Surface treatment)
金屬塗料(Metallic coatings)
有機塗料(Organic coatings)
其他處理和塗層(Other treatments and coatings)
能源和熱傳導工程(Energy and heat transfer engineering)
一般能源和熱傳導工程(Energy and heat transfer engineering in general)
內燃機(Internal combustion engines)
燃氣和蒸汽渦輪機。蒸汽機(Gas and steam turbines. Steam engines)
燃燒器。鍋爐(Burners. Boilers)
一般燃燒器及鍋爐(Burners and boilers in general)
液體和固體燃料燃燒器(Liquid and solid fuel burners)
氣體燃料燃燒器(Gas fuel burners)
鍋爐和熱交換器(Boilers and heat exchangers)
燃料電池(Fuel cells)
氫能技術(Hydrogen technologies)
熱泵(Heat pumps)
一般發電站(Power stations in general)
核能工程(Nuclear energy engineering)
一般核能(Nuclear energy in general)
反應器工程(Reactor engineering)
核電廠。安全(Nuclear power plants. Safety)
裂變材料和核燃料技術(Fissile materials and nuclear fuel technology)
其他相關核能標準(Other standards related to nuclear energy)
水力能源工程(Hydraulic energy engineering)
太陽能工程(Solar energy engineering)
風力發電機組能源系統(Wind turbine energy systems)
生物來源及替代來源之能源(Biological sources and alternative sources of energy)
製冷技術(Refrigerating technology)
熱回收。隔熱(Heat recovery. Thermal insulation)
電機工程(Electrical engineering)
一般電氣工程(Electrical engineering in general)
磁性材料(Magnetic materials)
絕緣材料(Insulating materials)
一般絕緣材料(Insulating materials in general)
紙和紙板絕緣材料(Paper and board insulating materials)
塑料和橡膠絕緣材料(Plastics and rubber insulating materials)
玻璃和陶瓷絕緣材料(Glass and ceramic insulating materials)
雲母基材料(Mica based materials)
塗層織物(Varnished fabrics)
其他絕緣材料(Other insulating materials)
絕緣液體(Insulating fluids)
一般絕緣液體(Insulating fluids in general)
絕緣油(Insulating oils)
絕緣氣體(Insulating gases)
其它絕緣液體(Other insulating fluids)
半導體材料(Semiconducting materials)
超導性和導電材料(Superconductivity and conducting materials)
電線和電纜(Electrical wires and cables)
電氣設備零件(Components for electrical equipment)
電器配件(Electrical accessories)
開關裝置和控制裝置(Switchgear and controlgear)
一般開關裝置和控制裝置(Switchgear and controlgear in general)
高壓開關設備和控制設備。(High voltage switchgear and controlgear)
低壓開關設備和控制設備。(Low voltage switchgear and controlgear)
其他開關裝置和控制裝置(Other switchgear and controlgear)
燈具及相關設備(Lamps and related equipment)
一般燈具(Lamps in general)
頭燈及燈座(Lamp caps and holders)
白熱燈泡(Incandescent lamps)
日光燈。放電燈(Fluorescent lamps. Discharge lamps)
燈具安裝系統(Lighting installation systems)
其他相關燈標準(Other standards related to lamps)
旋轉機械(Rotating machinery)
一般旋轉機械(Rotating machinery in general)
旋轉機械零件(Components for rotating machines)
發電機組(Generating sets)
其他相關旋轉機械標準(Other standards related to rotating machinery)
變壓器。反應器(Transformers. Reactors)
整流器。轉換器。穩壓電源(Rectifiers. Converters. Stabilized power supply)
電池和蓄電池(Galvanic cells and batteries)
一般電池和蓄電池(Galvanic cells and batteries in general)
原電池和蓄電池(Primary cells and batteries)
酸性充電電池和蓄電池(Acid secondary cells and batteries)
鹼性充電電池和電池組(Alkaline secondary cells and batteries)
其他電池和蓄電池(Other cells and batteries)
輸電和配電網(Power transmission and distribution networks)
在特殊條件下工作的電氣設備(Electrical equipment for working in special conditions)
一般特定工作條件用之電器設備(Electrical equipment for working in special conditions in general)
戶外使用的電氣設施(Electrical installations for outdoor use)
爆燃性空氣(場所)的電氣設備(Electrical apparatus for explosive atmospheres)
其他特定工作條件用之電器設備(Other electrical equipment for working in special conditions)
電力牽引設備(Electric traction equipment)
一般電子零件(Electronic components in general)
半導體器件(Semiconductor devices)
電子管(Electronic tubes)
電子顯示設備(Electronic display devices)
壓電器件(Piezoelectric devices)
電力濾波器(Electric filters)
印刷電路板(Printed circuits and boards)
電子元件組件(Electronic component assemblies)
集成電路。微電子(Integrated circuits. Microelectronics)
電子及通訊設備之電子零件(Electromechanical components for electronic and telecommunications equipment)
電子設備之機械結構(Mechanical structures for electronic equipment)
光電。激光設備(Optoelectronics. Laser equipment)
電信。音訊和影像技術(Telecommunications. Audio and video engineering)
一般電信(Telecommunications in general)
電信服務。應用(Telecommunication services. Applications)
電信系統(Telecommunication systems)
一般電信系統(Telecommunication systems in general)
傳輸系統(Transmission systems)
交換和信令系統(Switching and signalling systems)
電話網絡(Telephone networks)
數據通信網絡(Data communication networks)
線路,連接和電路(Lines, connections and circuits)
電力線通訊(Powerline telecommunications)
其他通信系統設備(Other equipment for telecommunication systems)
電信終端設備(Telecommunication terminal equipment)
一般電信終端設備(Telecommunication terminal equipment in general)
電話設備(Telephone equipment)
呼叫設備(Paging equipment)
電報、電視廣播、傳真設備(Equipment for telex, teletext, telefax)
其他電信終端設備(Other telecommunication terminal equipment)
行動服務(Mobile services)
整體服務數位網路(ISDN)(Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN))
電磁兼容性(EMC)(Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC))
一般電磁相容性(Electromagnetic compatibility in general)
其他之電磁相容性部分(Other aspects related to EMC)
電信設備之零件與配件(Components and accessories for telecommunications equipment)
用於特殊量測之電信設備(Special measuring equipment for use in telecommunications)
音訊、影像與視聽工程(Audio, video and audiovisual engineering)
電視及電台廣播(Television and radio broadcasting)
光纖通信(Fibre optic communications)
遙控。遙測(Telecontrol. Telemetering)
資訊技術。辦公設備(Information technology. Office machines)
在一般的信息技術(IT)(Information technology (IT) in general)
字符集和信息編碼(Character sets and information coding)
語言用之資訊科技(Languages used in information technology)
開放式系統互連架構(OSI)(Open systems interconnection (OSI))
一般開放式系統互連架構(Open systems interconnection in general)
多層應用程序(Multilayer applications)
物理層(Physical layer)
資料連結層(Data link layer)
網路層((Network layer)
傳輸層(Transport layer)
交談層(Session layer)
表示層(Presentation layer)
應用層(Application layer)
電腦圖學(Computer graphics)
微處理器系統(Microprocessor systems)
IT終端和其他外圍設備(IT terminal and other peripheral equipment)
接口與互連設備(Interface and interconnection equipment)
資料儲存設備(Data storage devices)
一般資料儲存設備(Data storage devices in general)
紙卡和磁帶(Paper cards and tapes)
一般磁存設備(Magnetic storage devices in general)
磁盤(Magnetic disks)
磁帶(Magnetic tapes)
卡式磁帶和盒式磁帶(Cassettes and cartridges for magnetic tapes)
光存儲設備(Optical storage devices)
其他數據儲存設備(Other data storage devices)
資訊科技之應用(Applications of information technology)
一般資訊科技之應用(Application of information technology in general)
電腦輔助設計CAD)(Computer-aided design (CAD))
身份證及相關設備(Identification cards and related devices)
在辦公室工作的IT應用(IT applications in office work)
在信息,文件和出版IT應用(IT applications in information, documentation and publishing)
在銀行業IT應用(IT applications in banking)
在行業IT應用(IT applications in industry)
在運輸和貿易的IT應用(IT applications in transport and trade)
在科學的IT應用(IT applications in science)
在醫療保健技術的IT應用(IT applications in health care technology)
在其他領域的IT應用(IT applications in other fields)
辦公設備(Office machines)
圖像技術(Image technology)
光學儀器(Optical equipment)
一般攝影(Photography in general)
攝影器材。投影機(Photographic equipment. Projectors)
印相纸、底片和板材。膠捲(Photographic paper, films and plates. Cartridges)
X光片(Radiographic films)
攝影化學品(Photographic chemicals)
其他相關攝影標準(Other standards related to photography)
一般電影攝影(Cinematography in general)
電影設備(Motion picture equipment)
電影底片。膠捲(Motion picture films. Cartridges)
其他相關電影標準(Other standards related to cinematography)
文檔成像應用(Document imaging applications)
圖像(印刷)技術(Graphic technology)
圖形技術一般(Graphic technology in general)
複製設備(Reproduction equipment)
圖像(印刷)技術材料(Materials for graphic technology)
其他相關圖像(印刷)技術標準(Other standards related to graphic technology)
精密機械、珠寶(Precision mechanics. Jewellery)
精密機械(Precision mechanics)
一般鐘錶(Horology in general)
其他時間測量儀器(Other time-measuring instruments)
道路車輛工程(Road vehicles engineering)
道路車輛一般(Road vehicles in general)
道路車輛系統(Road vehicle systems)
通用道路車輛系統(Road vehicle systems in general)
電器及電子設備(Electrical and electronic equipment)
汽車信息學。機載電腦系統(Car informatics. On board computer systems)
照明、信號和報警裝置(Lighting, signalling and warning devices)
指示和控制裝置(Indicating and control devices)
制動系統(Braking systems)
變速器,懸架(Transmissions, suspensions)
機構和車身部件(Bodies and body components)
玻璃和雨刮系統(Glazing and wiper systems)
碰撞保護和約束系統(Crash protection and restraint systems)
其他道路車輛系統(Other road vehicle systems)
內燃發動機車輛(Internal combustion engines for road vehicles)
通用道路車輛的內燃機(Internal combustion engines for road vehicles in general)
發動機缸體和內部組件(Engine block and internal components)
增壓和空氣 /排氣管系統(Pressure charging and air/exhaust gas ducting systems)
冷卻系統。潤滑系統(Cooling systems. Lubricating systems)
燃料系統(Fuel systems)
電氣和電子設備。控制系統(Electrical and electronic equipment. Control systems)
內燃機的其他組件和系統(Other components and systems of internal combustion engines)
商用車(Commercial vehicles)
一般商用車輛(Commercial vehicles in general)
卡車和拖車(Trucks and trailers)
其他商業車輛(Other commercial vehicles)
客運車。旅居車和輕型拖車(Passenger cars. Caravans and light trailers)
電動道路車輛用(Electric road vehicles)
摩托車和輕便摩托車(Motorcycles and mopeds)
特別用途車輛(Special purpose vehicles)
診斷,維護和測試設備(Diagnostic, maintenance and test equipment)
鐵路工程(Railway engineering)
一般鐵路工程(Railway engineering in general)
鐵路工程的材料和組件(Materials and components for railway engineering)
鐵路機車車輛(Railway rolling stock)
一般鐵路機車車輛(Railway rolling stock in general)
牽引車輛(Tractive stock)
尾隨股票(Trailing stock)
Rails和鐵路配件(Rails and railway components)
索道設備(Cableway equipment)
鐵路設備 /纜道建設和維護(Equipment for railway/cableway construction and maintenance)
造船和海上建築物(Shipbuilding and marine structures)
造船及海上結構一般(Shipbuilding and marine structures in general)
造船和海上建築物的一般標準(General standards related to shipbuilding and marine structures)
造船用材料和組件(Materials and components for shipbuilding)
船體及其結構元素(Hulls and their structure elements)
船用發動機和推進系統(Marine engines and propulsion systems)
管道系統(Piping systems)
起重設備和貨物裝卸設備(Lifting and cargo handling equipment)
甲板設備和裝置(Deck equipment and installations)
船舶與海洋結構物的電氣設備(Electrical equipment of ships and of marine structures)
導航和控制設備(Navigation and control equipment)
住宿空間(Accommodation spaces)
貨艙(Cargo spaces)
船用通風、空調和供暖系統(Marine ventilation, air conditioning and heating systems)
其他相關造船和海上建築物標準(Other standards related to shipbuilding and marine structures)
海輪(Seagoing vessels)
內河航行船舶。(Inland navigation vessels)
小艇(Small craft)
航空器和太空飛行器工程(Aircraft and space vehicle engineering)
飛機和航天器中一般車輛(Aircraft and space vehicles in general)
供地球大氣層內外使用的構造材料(Materials for aerospace construction)
一般供地球大氣層內外空間使用的構造材料(Materials for aerospace construction in general)
一般鐵合金(Ferrous alloys in general)
一般非鐵合金(Non-ferrous alloys in general)
橡膠和塑料(Rubber and plastics)
其他材料(Other materials)
供地球大氣層內外空間使用的構造緊固件(Fasteners for aerospace construction)
一般緊固件(Fasteners in general)
螺紋(Screw threads)
螺栓、螺釘、螺柱(Bolts, screws, studs)
銷、釘(Pins, nails)
墊圈與其他鎖元素(Washers and other locking elements)
其他緊固件(Other fasteners)
供地球大氣層內外空間使用的構造組件(Components for aerospace construction)
塗料及相關流程使用於地球大氣層內外空間工業(Coatings and related processes used in aerospace industry)
構造和構造元素(Structure and structure elements)
航空航天發動機和推進系統(Aerospace engines and propulsion systems)
航空電子設備和系統(Aerospace electric equipment and systems)
供地球大氣層內外空間使用的流體系統和組件(Aerospace fluid systems and components)
車載設備和儀器(On-board equipment and instruments)
乘客和機艙設備(Passenger and cabin equipment)
地面服務和維修設備(Ground service and maintenance equipment)
航空貨運設備(Cargo equipment)
航天系統和操作(Space systems and operations)
材料儲運設備(Materials handling equipment)
起重設備(Lifting equipment)
一般起重機械(Lifting appliances in general)
起重設備附件(Accessories for lifting equipment)
其他起重設備(Other lifting equipment)
連續搬運設備(Continuous handling equipment)
通用連續搬運設備(Continuous handling equipment in general)
輸送機零部件(Components for conveyors)
氣動運輸及其組件(Pneumatic transport and its components)
其他連續裝卸設備(Other continuous handling equipment)
工業卡車(Industrial trucks)
存儲設備(Storage equipment)
土方機械(Earth-moving machinery)
裝備手動搬運(Equipment for manual handling)
貨物的包裝和調運(Packaging and distribution of goods)
通用商品包裝和分銷(Packaging and distribution of goods in general)
包裝材料及配件(Packaging materials and accessories)
線軸。線軸(Spools. Bobbins)
麻袋。手袋(Sacks. Bags)
瓶。盆。大口瓶(Bottles. Pots. Jars)
鐵罐。錫罐。裝液體用的管子(Cans. Tins. Tubes)
氣溶膠容器(Aerosol containers)
桶。鼓。濾毒罐(Barrels. Drums. Canisters)
大箱子。盒。包裝箱(Cases. Boxes. Crates)
商品的貨物配送(Freight distribution of goods)
一般商品的貨物配送(Freight distribution of goods in general)
一般貨櫃(General purpose containers)
一般托盤(General purpose pallets)
空運貨櫃、托盤和網(Air mode containers, pallets and nets)
滿裝的運輸包裝(Complete, filled transport packages)
涉及到貨物的運輸配送等標準(Other standards related to freight distribution of goods)
包裝機械(Packaging machinery)
貯存。倉儲(Storing. Warehousing)
分銷及自動售貨機(Distribution and vending machines)
紡織和皮革技術(Textile and leather technology)
紡織工業進程(Processes of the textile industry)
紡織輔料(Textile auxiliary materials)
紡織纖維(Textile fibres)
一般紡織纖維(Textile fibres in general)
天然纖維(Natural fibres)
人造纖維(Man-made fibres)
礦產和金屬纖維(Mineral and metal fibres)
其他紡織纖維(Other textile fibres)
紡織工業產品(Products of the textile industry)
在一般紡織品(Textiles in general)
紡織面料(Textile fabrics)
塗層織物(Coated fabrics)
紡織地板覆蓋物(Textile floor coverings)
紡織工業的其他產品(Other products of the textile industry)
複合材料的加強材料(Materials for the reinforcement of composites)
一般複合材料的加強材料(Materials for the reinforcement of composites in general)
紡織玻璃材料(Textile glass materials)
碳材料(Carbon materials)
芳綸材料(Aramide materials)
複合材料的其他加強材料(Other materials for the reinforcement of composites)
紡織機械(Textile machinery)
一般紡織機械(Textile machinery in general)
紡紗,加撚和加彈機(Spinning, twisting and texturing machines)
繞線機及設備(Winding machines and equipment)
織機。織布機(Looms. Weaving machines)
針織機(Knitting machines)
印染及精加工設備(Dyeing and finishing equipment)
其他紡織機械(Other textile machinery)
皮革技術(Leather technology)
一般皮革技術(Leather technology in general)
加工和輔助材料(Processes and auxiliary materials)
生皮、皮革和毛皮(Raw skins, hides and pelts)
皮革和皮草(Leather and furs)
皮革製品(Leather products)
皮革和皮草製品的機械及設備(Machines and equipment for leather and fur production)
其他相關皮革技術標準(Other standards related to leather technology)
服裝工業(Clothing industry)
頭飾。服裝輔料。服裝緊固(Headgear. Clothing accessories. Fastening of clothing)
縫紉機等設備,為服裝產業(Sewing machines and other equipment for the clothing industry)
農業和林業(Farming and forestry)
一般農業和林業(Farming and forestry in general)
植物生長(Plant growing)
畜牧養殖(Animal husbandry and breeding)
園林綠化和造林(Landscaping and silviculture)
其他相關農業和林業標準(Other standards related to farming and forestry)
農場的建築物、構築物和設施(Farm buildings, structures and installations)
一般農用建築物和設施(Farm buildings and installations in general)
家畜建築物,設施和設備(Livestock buildings, installations and equipment)
建築和設施為農產品加工和儲藏(Buildings and installations for processing and storage of agricultural produce)
溫室和其他裝置(Greenhouses and other installations)
其他相關農場建築物和設施標準(Other standards related to farm buildings and installations)
農業機械、工具和設備(Agricultural machines, implements and equipment)
一般農業機械和設備(Agricultural machines and equipment in general)
農業拖拉機和牽引車輛(Agricultural tractors and trailed vehicles)
土工作裝置(Soil-working equipment)
儲存、準備和配送化肥的設備(Equipment for storage, preparation and distribution of fertilizers)
播種和種植設備(Sowing and planting equipment)
灌溉與排水設備(Irrigation and drainage equipment)
植物保護設備(Plant care equipment)
收穫設備(Harvesting equipment)
葡萄栽培和葡萄酒釀造設備(Viticultural and wine-making equipment)
園藝設備(Horticultural equipment)
園林機械(Forestry equipment)
其他農業機械和設備(Other agricultural machines and equipment)
殺蟲劑和其他農用化學藥品(Pesticides and other agrochemicals)
一般殺蟲劑和其他農用化學藥品(Pesticides and other agrochemicals in general)
其他殺蟲劑和農用化學藥品(Other pesticides and agrochemicals)
動物飼料(Animal feeding stuffs)
捕魚和養殖(Fishing and fish breeding)
煙草、煙草產品及相關設備(Tobacco, tobacco products and related equipment)
食品技術(Food technology)
在食品工業中的過程(Processes in the food industry)
一般食品(Food products in general)
一般食品測試與分析的方法(General methods of tests and analysis for food products)
穀物,豆類及其製品(Cereals, pulses and derived products)
水果。蔬菜(Fruits. Vegetables)
一般水果、蔬菜及其製品(Fruits, vegetables and derived products in general)
水果和衍生產品(Fruits and derived products)
蔬菜及其製品(Vegetables and derived products)
牛奶和奶製品(Milk and milk products)
一般牛奶和奶製品(Milk and milk products in general)
奶及加工奶產品(Milk and processed milk products)
冰淇淋和糖果(Ice cream and ice confectionery)
其他奶製品(Other milk products)
肉類,肉類製品及其他動物類食品(Meat, meat products and other animal produce)
一般動物產品(Animal produce in general)
肉及肉類產品(Meat and meat products)
家禽和雞蛋(Poultry and eggs)
魚和漁產品(Fish and fishery products)
其他動物產品(Other animal produce)
茶。咖啡。可可(Tea. Coffee. Cocoa)
咖啡和咖啡替代品(Coffee and coffee substitutes)
一般飲料(Beverages in general)
酒精飲料(Alcoholic beverages)
非酒精飲料(Non-alcoholic beverages)
糖。糖產品。澱粉(Sugar. Sugar products. Starch)
糖和糖製品(Sugar and sugar products)
澱粉及衍生產品(Starch and derived products)
食用油和脂肪。油籽(Edible oils and fats. Oilseeds)
動物性和植物性油脂(Animal and vegetable fats and oils)
香辛料和調味品。食品添加劑(Spices and condiments. Food additives)
香辛料和調味品(Spices and condiments)
食品添加劑(Food additives)
預先包裝和加工食品(Prepackaged and prepared foods)
感官分析(Sensory analysis)
材料和與食品接觸的物品(Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs)
食品工業的工廠和設備(Plants and equipment for the food industry)
化工技術(Chemical technology)
生產在化工行業(Production in the chemical industry)
分析化學(Analytical chemistry)
一般分析化學(Analytical chemistry in general)
化學實驗室。實驗室設備(Chemical laboratories. Laboratory equipment)
實驗室器皿和有關儀器(Laboratory ware and related apparatus)
化學試劑(Chemical reagents)
化學分析(Chemical analysis)
分析的物理化學方法(Physicochemical methods of analysis)
其他相關分析化學標準(Other standards related to analytical chemistry)
無機化學品(Inorganic chemicals)
一般無機化學品(Inorganic chemicals in general)
化學元素(Chemical elements)
其他無機化工原料(Other inorganic chemicals)
有機化工(Organic chemicals)
一般有機化工(Organic chemicals in general)
脂肪烴(Aliphatic hydrocarbons)
芳香族碳氫化合物(Aromatic hydrocarbons)
鹵化烴(Halogenated hydrocarbons)
有機氮化合物(Organic nitrogen compounds)
有機酸(Organic acids)
醇。醚(Alcohols. Ethers)
醛和酮(Aldehydes and ketones)
其它有機化工產品(Other organic chemicals)
化學工業產品(Products of the chemical industry)
一般化學工業產品(Products of the chemical industry in general)
鋁材料生產(Materials for aluminium production)
工業氣體(Gases for industrial application)
炸藥。煙火及煙花爆竹(Explosives. Pyrotechnics and fireworks)
工業用與家庭消毒用的化學產品(Chemicals for industrial and domestic disinfection purposes)
表面活性劑(Surface active agents)
製冷劑和防凍液(Refrigerants and antifreezes)
木材保護化學品(Wood-protecting chemicals)
精油(Essential oils)
化妝品。化妝品(Cosmetics. Toiletries)
化學製品的淨化水(Chemicals for purification of water)
其他化工產品(Other products of the chemical industry)
化工設備(Equipment for the chemical industry)
一般化學工業設備(Equipment for the chemical industry in general)
反應器及其組件(Reaction vessels and their components)
熱交換器(Heat exchangers)
化學工業的其他設備(Other equipment for the chemical industry)
採礦和礦產品(Mining and minerals)
採礦及採石業(Mining and quarrying)
金屬礦物及其濃縮礦(Metalliferous minerals and their concentrates)
一般金屬礦物(Metalliferous minerals in general)
鐵礦石(Iron ores)
錳礦(Manganese ores)
鉻礦石(Chromium ores)
鋁礦石(Aluminium ores)
其它金屬礦產(Other metalliferous minerals)
非金屬礦物(Non-metalliferous minerals)
採礦設備(Mining equipment)
一般採礦設備(Mining equipment in general)
隧道和管道設備(Tunnelling and tubing equipment)
通風、空調和照明設備(Ventilation, air-conditioning and illumination equipment)
設備鑽井和挖掘(Equipment for drilling and mine excavation)
牽引和起重設備(Haulage and hoisting equipment)
其他採礦設備(Other mining equipment)
設備礦物加工(Equipment for processing of minerals)
石油及相關技術(Petroleum and related technologies)
石油和天然氣的開採和加工(Extraction and processing of petroleum and natural gas)
原油(Crude petroleum)
天然氣(Natural gas)
一般石油產品(Petroleum products in general)
潤滑劑,工業用油和相關產品(Lubricants, industrial oils and related products)
液壓油(Hydraulic fluids)
石蠟、瀝青材料和其他石油產品(Waxes, bituminous materials and other petroleum products)
一般燃料(Fuels in general)
固體燃料(Solid fuels)
液體燃料(Liquid fuels)
氣體燃料(Gaseous fuels)
石油和天然氣工業的設備(Equipment for petroleum and natural gas industries)
一般石油和天然氣工業的設備(Equipment for petroleum and natural gas industries in general)
勘探,鑽採設備(Exploratory, drilling and extraction equipment)
加工設備(Processing equipment)
體積和測量設備(Volumetric equipment and measurements)
石油和天然氣工業的其他設備(Other equipment for petroleum and natural gas industries)
石油產品和天然氣處理設備(Petroleum products and natural gas handling equipment)
金屬產品(Production of metals)
金屬測試(Testing of metals)
一般金屬檢測(Testing of metals in general)
金屬力學性能試驗(Mechanical testing of metals)
無損檢測金屬(Non-destructive testing of metals)
金屬的化學分析(Chemical analysis of metals)
其他金屬的試驗方法(Other methods of testing of metals)
金屬腐蝕(Corrosion of metals)
有色金屬(Ferrous metals)
一般亞鐵金屬(Ferrous metals in general)
有色金屬(Non-ferrous metals)
一般非鐵金屬(Non-ferrous metals in general)
鋁和鋁合金(Aluminium and aluminium alloys)
鎂和鎂合金(Magnesium and magnesium alloys)
銅及銅合金(Copper and copper alloys)
鎳、鉻及其合金(Nickel, chromium and their alloys)
鈦和鈦合金(Titanium and titanium alloys)
鉛、鋅、錫及其合金(Lead, zinc, tin and their alloys)
鎘、鈷及其合金(Cadmium, cobalt and their alloys)
其他非鐵金屬及其合金(Other non-ferrous metals and their alloys)
鋼鐵產品(Iron and steel products)
一般鋼鐵產品(Iron and steel products in general)
熱處理鋼(Heat-treatable steels)
鋼筋混凝土用鋼材(Steels for reinforcement of concrete)
不銹鋼(Stainless steels)
彈簧鋼(Spring steels)
壓力容器用鋼材(Steels for pressure purposes)
工具鋼(Tool steels)
具有特殊磁性質的鋼(Steels with special magnetic properties)
非合金鋼(Non-alloyed steels)
鋼產品及半成品(Flat steel products and semi-products)
鋼條及桿(Steel bars and rods)
鋼絲、鋼絲繩及環鏈(Steel wire, wire ropes and link chains)
塑鋼型材(Steel profiles)
鋼管和管用於特定用途(Steel pipes and tubes for specific use)
鐵和鋼鑄件(Iron and steel castings)
鋼鐵鍛件(Iron and steel forgings)
其他鋼鐵產品(Other iron and steel products)
非鐵金屬產品(Products of non-ferrous metals)
一般非鐵金屬的產品(Products of non-ferrous metals in general)
鋁產品(Aluminium products)
鎂產品(Magnesium products)
銅產品(Copper products)
鎳和鉻產品(Nickel and chromium products)
鈦產品(Titanium products)
鉛、鋅和錫產品(Lead, zinc and tin products)
鎘和鈷產品(Cadmium and cobalt products)
其他非鐵金屬產品(Other products of non-ferrous metals)
粉末冶金(Powder metallurgy)
冶金工業設備(Equipment for the metallurgical industry)
木材技術(Wood technology)
木材加工技術79.040(Wood technology processes)
木材、鋸材原木和鋸材(Wood, sawlogs and sawn timber)
人造板(Wood-based panels)
一般人造板(Wood-based panels in general)
纖維和刨花板(Fibre and particle boards)
其他人造板(Other wood-based panels)
半製成品的木材(Semi-manufactures of timber)
軟木及軟木製品(Cork and cork products)
木工設備(Woodworking equipment)
一般木工設備(Woodworking equipment in general)
木工機床(Woodworking machines)
木工工具(Woodworking tools)
其他木工設備(Other woodworking equipment)
玻璃和陶瓷工業(Glass and ceramics industries)
加工玻璃和陶瓷工業(Processes in the glass and ceramics industries)
一般玻璃(Glass in general)
原料及玻璃原片(Raw materials and raw glass)
建築玻璃(Glass in building)
玻璃產品(Glass products)
一般陶瓷(Ceramics in general)
原料(Raw materials)
陶瓷產品(Ceramic products)
先進陶瓷(Advanced ceramics)
其他相關陶瓷標準(Other standards related to ceramics)
玻璃和陶瓷工業的設備(Equipment for the glass and ceramics industries)
橡膠和塑膠工業(Rubber and plastic industries)
加工製造橡膠和塑膠工業(Manufacturing processes in the rubber and plastics industries)
橡膠和塑膠原料(Raw materials for rubber and plastics)
一般橡膠和塑膠原料(Raw materials for rubber and plastics in general)
生膠和乳膠(Latex and raw rubber)
橡膠配合劑(Rubber compounding ingredients)
輔助材料及塑料助劑(Auxiliary materials and additives for plastics)
一般塑膠(Plastics in general)
熱固性材料(Thermosetting materials)
熱塑性材料(Thermoplastic materials)
多孔材料(Cellular materials)
增強塑膠(Reinforced plastics)
橡膠和塑膠產品(Rubber and plastics products)
一般橡膠和塑膠產品(Rubber and plastics products in general)
薄膜和片材(Films and sheets)
層壓板(Laminated sheets)
非流體用的塑膠管材和管件(Plastics pipes and fittings for non fluid use)
其他橡膠和塑膠產品(Other rubber and plastics products)
一般輪胎(Tyres in general)
道路車輛輪胎(Road vehicle tyres)
飛機輪胎(Aircraft tyres)
農業機械用輪胎(Tyres for agricultural machinery)
其他輪胎(Other tyres)
橡膠和塑膠工業的設備(Equipment for the rubber and plastics industries)
造紙技術(Paper technology)
紙的生產工藝(Paper production processes)
紙和紙板(Paper and board)
紙製品(Paper products)
一般紙類產品(Paper products in general)
辦公用紙(Office paper)
棉紙(Tissue paper)
其他紙類產品(Other paper products)
造紙工業設備(Equipment for the paper industry)
塗料和顏料工業(Paint and colour industries)
油漆塗料加工(Paint coating processes)
色漆和清漆(Paints and varnishes)
塗料成分(Paint ingredients)
一般油漆成分(Paint ingredients in general)
顏料和填充劑(Pigments and extenders)
其他塗料成分(Other paint ingredients)
油墨。印刷油墨(Inks. Printing inks)
油漆塗料設備(Paint coating equipment)
建築材料和建築物(Construction materials and building)
建築業(Construction industry)
一般建築業(Construction industry in general)
法律方面(Legal aspects)
契約方面(Contractual aspects)
技術方面(Technical aspects)
其他方面(Other aspects)
物理規劃。城市規劃(Physical planning. Town planning)
在一般建築物(Buildings in general)
公共建築(Public buildings)
商業和工業建築物(Buildings for commerce and industry)
住宅建築物(Residential buildings)
其他建築物(Other buildings)
建築元件(Elements of buildings)
一般建築物的要素(Elements of buildings in general)
牆壁。分區。幕牆(Walls. Partitions. Façades)
天花板。地板。樓梯(Ceilings. Floors. Stairs)
煙囪,軸,管(Chimneys, shafts, ducts)
門窗(Doors and windows)
建築物的其他要素(Other elements of buildings)
建築結構(Structures of buildings)
一般建築物的結構(Structures of buildings in general)
金屬結構(Metal structures)
木結構(Timber structures)
混凝土結構(Concrete structures)
其他結構(Other structures)
外部結構(External structures)
建築材料(Construction materials)
一般建築材料(Construction materials in general)
水泥。石膏。石灰。砂漿(Cement. Gypsum. Lime. Mortar)
礦物材料及製品(Mineral materials and products)
陶瓷磚(Ceramic tiles)
秦始皇建築產品(Terracotta building products)
混凝土及混凝土製品(Concrete and concrete products)
纖維增強水泥產品(Products in fibre-reinforced cement)
粘合劑。密封材料(Binders. Sealing materials)
熱和隔音材料(Thermal and sound insulating materials)
其他建築材料(Other construction materials)
建築物之防護(Protection of and in buildings)
一般建築物之防護(Protection of and in buildings in general)
建築物的熱絕緣(Thermal insulation of buildings)
建築聲學。隔音(Acoustics in building. Sound insulation)
地震和振動防護(Seismic and vibration protection)
雷電防護(Lightning protection)
其他相關建築物防護標準(Other standards related to protection of and in buildings)
建築物中的設施(Installations in buildings)
一般建築物中的設施(Installations in buildings in general)
集中供熱系統(Central heating systems)
通風和空調系統(Ventilation and air-conditioning systems)
供氣系統(Gas supply systems)
供電系統(Electricity supply systems)
供水系統(Water supply systems)
水加熱設備(Water heating equipment)
衛生設施(Sanitary installations)
排水系統(Drainage systems)
升降機。自動扶梯(Lifts. Escalators)
其他建築物中的設施(Other installations in buildings)
一般照明(Lighting in general)
室內照明(Interior lighting)
室外建築照明(Exterior building lighting)
內部裝修(Interior finishing)
建築配件(Building accessories)
施工技術(Construction technology)
建築設備(Construction equipment)
土木工程(Civil engineering)
一般土木工程(Civil engineering in general)
土方工程。發掘工作。基礎施工。地下工程(Earthworks. Excavations. Foundation construction. Underground works)
外部輸水系統(External water conveyance systems)
外部污水處理系統(External sewage systems)
橋樑建設(Bridge construction)
隧道施工(Tunnel construction)
道路工程(Road engineering)
一般道路工程(Road engineering in general)
道路建設(Road construction)
道路建設材料(Road construction materials)
道路設備和裝置(Road equipment and installations)
街道照明及相關設備(Street lighting and related equipment)
其他相關道路工程標準(Other standards related to road engineering)
鐵路建設(Construction of railways)
索道施工(Construction of ropeways)
機場建設(Construction of airports)
水路,港口和堤壩建設(Construction of waterways, ports and dykes)
水利施工(Hydraulic construction)
軍事工程(Military engineering)
軍事工程。軍事。武器(Military engineering. Military affairs. Weapons)
家用和商用設備、娛樂、體育(Domestic and commercial equipment. Entertainment. Sports)
在一般的家政(Home economics in general)
國內電器的大體(Domestic electrical appliances in general)
廚房設備(Kitchen equipment)
一般廚房設備(Kitchen equipment in general)
廚房家具(Kitchen furniture)
爐灶,工作台,烤箱及類似用途器具(Cooking ranges, working tables, ovens and similar appliances)
家庭用製冷器具(Domestic refrigerating appliances)
廚房小家電(Small kitchen appliances)
炊具,餐具和餐具(Cookware, cutlery and flatware)
其他廚房設備(Other kitchen equipment)
洗衣設備(Laundry appliances)
清潔用具(Cleaning appliances)
家用,商用和工業用加熱器具(Domestic, commercial and industrial heating appliances)
一般加熱器具(Heating appliances in general)
電加熱器(Electric heaters)
天然氣熱水器(Gas heaters)
固體燃料爐(Solid fuel heaters)
液體燃料爐(Liquid fuel heaters)
使用其他來源能源的加熱器(Heaters using other sources of energy)
家用自動控制器(Automatic controls for household use)
商店配件(Shop fittings)
一般商店配件(Shop fittings in general)
商用製冷設備(Commercial refrigerating appliances)
手推車超市目的(Trolleys for supermarket purposes)
其他配件店(Other shop fittings)
非紡織鋪地板產品(Non-textile floor coverings)
家用紡織品。亞麻布(Home textiles. Linen)
身體護理設備(Body care equipment)
其他家用和商用設備(Miscellaneous domestic and commercial equipment)
設備為兒童(Equipment for children)
藝術和手工藝品項目(Items of art and handicrafts)
娛樂設備(Equipment for entertainment)
一般的娛樂設備(Equipment for entertainment in general)
劇院,舞台和演播室設備(Theatre, stage and studio equipment)
樂器(Musical instruments)
野營設備和營地站點(Camping equipment and camp-sites)
其他娛樂設備(Other equipment for entertainment)
運動設備和設施(Sports equipment and facilities)
一般運動設備和設施(Sports equipment and facilities in general)
體育設施(Sports facilities)
冬季運動裝備(Winter sports equipment)
室內運動器材(Indoor sports equipment)
戶外及水上運動器材(Outdoor and water sports equipment)
其他運動設備和設施(Other sports equipment and facilities)
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