• Eight Constitutional Standards Essential for A Country’s Eternal Peace:
  • 1. The great development of human freedom
  • 2. The great rejuvenation of world democracy
  • 3. The great unity of human rights in the world
  • 4. The great realization of the rule of law in the world
  • 5. The great competition and cooperation of world legislation
  • 6. The great division of world administration
  • 7. The great compliance with world regulations
  • 8. The great establishment of world justice
  • [See more about "Constitutional Standard for Permanent Peace". To participate in amending will be rewarded.]
  • *Donations are welcome, and a detailed annotated version will be given (Choose a hard copy of the Chinese version and the English version. Or electronic versions for other languages.)
During the first audiences, the Colombia's Envigado mayor tried to hide from the cameras using his notebook.


  • http://www.elcolombiano.com/antioquia/captura-de-alcalde-de-envigado-fiscalia-revela-nuevos-audios-de-la-supuesta-feria-de-contratos-XB9737536
  • El Colombiano
  • El Colombiano
  • 2018-11-30
  • During the first audiences, the Colombia's Envigado mayor tried to hide from the cameras using his notebook.
Rio de Janeiro's governor was captured on thursday.


  • http://www.elcolombiano.com/internacional/america-latina/gobernador-de-rio-de-janeiro-a-la-carcel-por-corrupcion-FF9733520
  • El Colombiano
  • El Colombiano
  • 2018-11-30
  • Rio de Janeiro's governor was captured on thursday.
In 2017 more than 157 million people were exposed to heat waves.


  • https://www.eltiempo.com/vida/medio-ambiente/el-cambio-climatico-es-una-amenaza-para-la-salud-advierte-estudio-the-lancet-299278
  • El Tiempo
  • El Tiempo
  • 2018-11-30
  • In 2017 more than 157 million people were exposed to heat waves.
Ana Quiros, activist, during a manifestation that took place in Nicaragua's Managua.


  • https://elpais.com/internacional/2018/11/27/america/1543342249_654320.html
  • El Pais
  • El Pais
  • 2018-11-29
  • Ana Quiros, activist, during a manifestation that took place in Nicaragua's Managua.
Industrialized countries are the ones that contribute most to the Greenhouse Effect gas emissions


  • http://www.cronica.com.mx/notas/2018/1102158.html
  • La Crónica
  • la Crónica
  • 2018-11-29
  • Industrialized countries are the ones that contribute most to the Greenhouse Effect gas emissions
Donald Trump, current US president


  • http://www.cronica.com.mx/notas/2018/1102222.html
  • La Cronica
  • La Cronica
  • 2018-11-29
  • Donald Trump, current US president
Matteo Salvini is Italy's Prime Minister who obtained that position through campaigns against migration to the country.


  • http://www.elcolombiano.com/internacional/en-italia-crean-ley-contra-la-migracion-que-afecta-a-europa-YC9730032
  • El Colombiano
  • El Colombiano
  • 2018-11-29
  • Matteo Salvini is Italy's Prime Minister who obtained that position through campaigns against migration to the country.
Former Venezuela president Hugo Chavez and Chinese president of that time Hu Jintao.


  • https://elpais.com/internacional/2018/11/27/actualidad/1543315819_586995.html
  • El País
  • El País
  • 2018-11-29
  • Former Venezuela president Hugo Chavez and Chinese president of that time Hu Jintao.
Zulia Mena García, Colombia's former Quibdo Mayor captured for contractual irregularities.


  • https://www.eltiempo.com/justicia/investigacion/capturan-a-exalcaldesa-de-quibdo-por-irregularidades-en-juegos-nacionales-298478
  • El Tiempo
  • El Tiempo
  • 2018-11-28
  • Zulia Mena García, Colombia's former Quibdo Mayor captured for contractual irregularities.
Ukrainian marine being escorted by a Russian official to a court in Simferopol.


  • https://elpais.com/internacional/2018/11/27/actualidad/1543346980_717612.html
  • El Pais
  • El Pais
  • 2018-11-28
  • Ukrainian marine being escorted by a Russian official to a court in Simferopol.
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