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1. The Constitutional Standards are a sub-law for the continuation and development of “International Law” at the Supra-national level and are used as a method to “create the highest value of life... serving as a tool for permanent peace for humanity” and making contributions: ( 20 )

Catholic Church: The Old Testament of Holy Bible

The "Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards" are a tool for the continuation and development of the "Myriad Volumes of Teachings", and they are also an essential element for implementing the concept of "dedication". Proof lies in the Contribution in the third part of the "Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards": "From one to eight, the "Permanent Peace Constitutional Standards" make contributions as a tool for "international law", "national constitutions"... to continue and shine". Relevant comparisons include the following:
No. Name Content
1Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Exodus
2Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Leviticus
3Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Numbers
4Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Deuteronomy
5Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Deuteronomy
6Old Testament/The Historical Books/1 Kings
7Old Testament/The Historical Books/1 Chronicles
8Old Testament/The Historical Books/1 Chronicles
9Old Testament/The Historical Books/Esther
10Old Testament/The Historical Books/2 Maccabees
11Old Testament/The Wisdom Books/Sirach
12Old Testament/The Prophetic Books/Isaiah
13Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Exodus
14Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Exodus
15Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Exodus
16Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Leviticus
17Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Leviticus
18Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Leviticus
19Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Leviticus
20Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Leviticus
21Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Leviticus
22Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Leviticus
23Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Numbers
24Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Numbers
25Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Deuteronomy
26Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Deuteronomy
27Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Deuteronomy
28Old Testament/The Historical Books/1 Samuel
29Old Testament/The Historical Books/1 Chronicles
30Old Testament/The Historical Books/Nehemiah
31Old Testament/The Historical Books/Nehemiah
32Old Testament/The Historical Books/Tobit
33Old Testament/The Historical Books/2 Maccabees
34Old Testament/The Wisdom Books/Psalms
35Old Testament/The Prophetic Books/Isaiah
36Old Testament/The Prophetic Books/Jeremiah
37Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Leviticus
38Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Leviticus
39Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Genesis
40Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Exodus
41Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Exodus
42Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Exodus
43Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Exodus
44Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Exodus
45Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Exodus
46Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Exodus
47Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Exodus
48Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Exodus
49Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Exodus
50Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Exodus
51Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Exodus
52Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Leviticus
53Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Leviticus
54Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Leviticus
55Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Leviticus
56Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Leviticus
57Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Leviticus
58Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Leviticus
59Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Leviticus
60Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Leviticus
61Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Leviticus
62Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Leviticus
63Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Leviticus
64Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Leviticus
65Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Leviticus
66Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Leviticus
67Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Leviticus
68Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Leviticus
69Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Leviticus
70Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Leviticus
71Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Leviticus
72Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Leviticus
73Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Leviticus
74Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Leviticus
75Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Leviticus
76Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Leviticus
77Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Leviticus
78Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Leviticus
79Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Leviticus
80Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Leviticus
81Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Leviticus
82Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Leviticus
83Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Leviticus
84Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Leviticus
85Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Leviticus
86Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Leviticus
87Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Leviticus
88Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Leviticus
89Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Leviticus
90Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Leviticus
91Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Leviticus
92Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Leviticus
93Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Leviticus
94Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Leviticus
95Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Leviticus
96Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Leviticus
97Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Leviticus
98Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Leviticus
99Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Leviticus
100Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Leviticus
101Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Leviticus
102Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Leviticus
103Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Leviticus
104Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Numbers
105Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Numbers
106Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Numbers
107Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Numbers
108Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Numbers
109Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Numbers
110Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Numbers
111Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Numbers
112Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Numbers
113Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Numbers
114Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Numbers
115Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Numbers
116Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Numbers
117Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Numbers
118Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Numbers
119Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Numbers
120Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Numbers
121Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Numbers
122Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Numbers
123Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Numbers
124Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Numbers
125Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Numbers
126Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Numbers
127Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Numbers
128Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Numbers
129Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Numbers
130Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Numbers
131Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Numbers
132Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Numbers
133Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Numbers
134Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Numbers
135Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Numbers
136Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Numbers
137Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Numbers
138Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Numbers
139Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Numbers
140Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Numbers
141Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Numbers
142Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Numbers
143Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Numbers
144Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Numbers
145Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Numbers
146Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Numbers
147Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Numbers
148Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Numbers
149Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Numbers
150Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Numbers
151Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Numbers
152Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Numbers
153Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Numbers
154Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Numbers
155Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Numbers
156Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Deuteronomy
157Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Deuteronomy
158Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Deuteronomy
159Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Deuteronomy
160Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Judges
161Old Testament/The Pentateuch/Judges
162Old Testament/The Historical Books/1 Samuel
163Old Testament/The Historical Books/1 Samuel
164Old Testament/The Historical Books/1 Samuel
165Old Testament/The Historical Books/1 Samuel
166Old Testament/The Historical Books/1 Samuel
167Old Testament/The Historical Books/1 Kings
168Old Testament/The Historical Books/1 Kings
169Old Testament/The Historical Books/2 Kings
170Old Testament/The Historical Books/1 Chronicles
171Old Testament/The Historical Books/1 Chronicles
172Old Testament/The Historical Books/1 Chronicles
173Old Testament/The Historical Books/2 Chronicles
174Old Testament/The Historical Books/2 Chronicles
175Old Testament/The Historical Books/2 Chronicles
176Old Testament/The Historical Books/2 Chronicles
177Old Testament/The Historical Books/2 Chronicles
178Old Testament/The Historical Books/2 Chronicles
179Old Testament/The Historical Books/2 Chronicles
180Old Testament/The Historical Books/2 Chronicles
181Old Testament/The Historical Books/2 Chronicles
182Old Testament/The Historical Books/Ezra
183Old Testament/The Historical Books/Ezra
184Old Testament/The Historical Books/Ezra
185Old Testament/The Historical Books/Ezra
186Old Testament/The Historical Books/Ezra
187Old Testament/The Historical Books/Nehemiah
188Old Testament/The Historical Books/Nehemiah
189Old Testament/The Historical Books/Nehemiah
190Old Testament/The Historical Books/Judith
191Old Testament/The Historical Books/2 Maccabees
192Old Testament/The Historical Books/2 Maccabees
193Old Testament/The Wisdom Books/Job
194Old Testament/The Wisdom Books/The Book of Wisdom
195Old Testament/The Wisdom Books/Sirach
196Old Testament/The Wisdom Books/Sirach
197Old Testament/The Wisdom Books/Sirach
198Old Testament/The Wisdom Books/Sirach
199Old Testament/The Prophetic Books/Isaiah
200Old Testament/The Prophetic Books/Isaiah
201Old Testament/The Prophetic Books/Jeremiah
202Old Testament/The Prophetic Books/Jeremiah
203Old Testament/The Prophetic Books/Jeremiah
204Old Testament/The Prophetic Books/Ezekiel
205Old Testament/The Prophetic Books/Ezekiel
206Old Testament/The Prophetic Books/Ezekiel
207Old Testament/The Prophetic Books/Ezekiel
208Old Testament/The Prophetic Books/Ezekiel
209Old Testament/The Prophetic Books/Ezekiel
210Old Testament/The Prophetic Books/Ezekiel
211Old Testament/The Prophetic Books/Ezekiel
212Old Testament/The Prophetic Books/Ezekiel
213Old Testament/The Prophetic Books/Hosea
214Old Testament/The Prophetic Books/Joel
215Old Testament/The Prophetic Books/Micah
216Old Testament/The Prophetic Books/Zechariah
217Old Testament/The Prophetic Books/Malachi

Catholic Church: The New Testament of Holy Bible

No. Name Content
1New Testament/The Gospels/Mark
2New Testament/New Testament Letters/Romans
3New Testament/New Testament Letters/2 Corinthians
4New Testament/New Testament Letters/Ephesians
5New Testament/New Testament Letters/1 Timothy
6New Testament/New Testament Letters/Titus
7New Testament/New Testament Letters/Hebrews
8New Testament/New Testament Letters/Titus
9New Testament/The Gospels/Acts
10New Testament/The Gospels/Acts
11New Testament/New Testament Letters/Hebrews
12New Testament/New Testament Letters/Hebrews

Catholic Church: 31,628 important Christian documents on peace since 1245

No. Content

Catholic Church: Past Popes for Nearly a Hundred Years ‘Messages on World Day of Peace’

No. Name Content
22016 Overcome Indifference and Win Peace
52019 Good politics is at the service of peace
92018 Migrants and refugees: men and women in search of peace
102017 Nonviolence: a Style of Politics for Peace

Catholic Church: Pope Franciscus, nearly 4,000 important ideas, opinions, or propositions on

No. Name Content
1Homily on the occasion of the manifestation of ecclesiastic communion between the Patriarch of the Catholic Copts and the Successor of Peter (9 December 2013)
2To each his own encounter (24 April 2015)
3Meeting with the leaders of other religions and other Christian denominations at the Catholic University "Our Lady of Good Counsel" (Tirana, 21 September 2014)
4Sri Lanka - Philippines: Meeting with families at the Mall of Asia Arena (Manila, 16 January 2015) (Video)
5To participants of a Meeting for Formators of Consecrated Men and Women sponsored by the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life (11 April 2015)
6Apostolic Journey to Mexico: Meeting with the Bishops of Mexico gathered in the Cathedral (Mexico City, 13 February 2016)
7Meeting of the Neocatechumenal Way in the Roman neighbourhood of Tor Vergata, on the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of the “Way” in Rome (5 May 2018)
8To Participants at the XXI Plenary Assembly of the International Union of Superiors General (UISG) (10 May 2019)
9To members of the "Rosario Livatino" Study Center (29 November 2019)
10To the Diplomatic Corps accredited to the Holy See for the traditional exchange of New Year Greetings (9 January 2020)
11XXX World Youth Day, 2015: Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God (Mt 5: 8)
12XLIX World Day of Peace 2016 - Overcome Indifference and Win Peace
13L World Day of Peace 2017 - Nonviolence: a Style of Politics for Peace
14Message for the World Food Day 2020 (16 October 2020)
15Message of the Holy Father to the Italian Catholic Federation of University Students (FUCI) (14 October 2014)
16Message of the Holy Father to the Superior General of the Marist Brothers on the occasion of the bicentenary of the foundation of the Congregation (10 April 2017)
17Message of the Holy Father to the XXV General Assembly of the Spanish Conference of Religious Men and Women (CONFER) [Madrid, 13-15 November 2018] (5 November 2018)
18Holy Mass for Peace and Reconciliation at Myeong-dong Cathedral (Seoul, 18 August 2014)
19Rite of Canonization of six Blesseds (23 November 2014)
20Apostolic Journey to Poland: Holy Mass with Priests, Men and Women Religious, Consecrated Persons and Polish Seminarians gathered in St John Paul II Shrine in Kraków (30 July 2016)
21Pastoral Visit: Holy Mass in Piazza Martiri (Carpi, 2 April 2017)
22Apostolic Journey to Chile: Holy Mass in Lobito Campus (Iquique, 18 January 2018)
23Apostolic Journey to Peru: Holy Mass at the waterfront esplanade of Huanchaco (Trujillo, 20 January 2018)
24Holy Mass with the Myanmar Community in Rome (16 May 2021)
25Fratelli tutti (3 October 2020)
26General Audience of 16 October 2013
27General Audience of 7 January 2015: The family - 2. The mother
28General Audience of 19 August 2015: The family - 23. Work
29General Audience of 7 October 2015: Family - 28. The family spirit
30General Audience of 23 August 2017
31Audience of 27 December 2017
32General Audience of 28 February 2018
33Apostolic Letter in the form of a “Motu Proprio” "Ab initio", of the Supreme Pontiff Francis on the amendment of cannons 435 §1 and 506 §1 of the Code of Canons of the Oriental Churches (21 November 2020)
34Evangelii Gaudium : Apostolic Exhortation on the Proclamation of the Gospel in Today's World (24 November 2013)
35Gaudete et exsultate: Apostolic Exhortation on the call to holiness in today's world (19 March 2018)
36"Christus vivit": Post-Synodal Exhortation to Young People and to the entire People of God (25 March 2019)
37"Christus vivit": Post-Synodal Exhortation to Young People and to the entire People of God (25 March 2019)
38"Christus vivit": Post-Synodal Exhortation to Young People and to the entire People of God (25 March 2019)
39“Querida Amazonia”: Post-Synodal Exhortation to the People of God and to All Persons of Good Will (2 February 2020)
40“Querida Amazonia”: Post-Synodal Exhortation to the People of God and to All Persons of Good Will (2 February 2020)
41Regina Cæli, 5 May 2013
42Angelus, 1 November 2014
43Angelus, 3 January 2016
44Angelus, 19 June 2016
45Angelus, 6 January 2017, Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord
46Regina Coeli, 22 April 2018
47Angelus, 15 September 2019
48Angelus, 1st January 2020, Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God
49Angelus, 2 February 2020
50Regina Caeli, 3 May 2020
51Angelus, 7 June 2020
52Angelus, 28 June 2020
53Angelus, 1st November 2020, Solemnity of All Saints
54Angelus, 27 December 2020
55Christ is the door to the Kingdom (22 April 2013)
56With blessed shame (29 April 2013)
57Far from the world (30 April 2013)
58No to ‘slave labour’ (1st May 2013)
59The wisdom of Christians (24 May 2013)
60Where is your brother? (2 June 2013)
61Signs of giving freely (11 June 2013)
62Signs of giving freely (11 June 2013)
63That adolescent progressivism (12 June 2013)
64The joy of fatherhood (26 June 2013)
65There is no Christian without Jesus (7 September 2013)
66There is no Christian without Jesus (7 September 2013)
67The tree of the Cross (14 September 2013)
68Money helps, Covetousness kills (21 October 2013)
69A special day (28 October 2013)
70Water flowing through the Church (9 November 2013)
71God's weakness for the prayers of his people (16 November 2013)
72Grandpa's table (19 November 2013)
73Why we go to the temple (22 November 2013)
74The courage of definitive choices (25 November 2013)
75The courage of definitive choices (25 November 2013)
76When God recreates (10 December 2013)
77When man tries to save himself (19 December 2013)
78Love is not a soap opera (9 January 2014)
79What a priest should be (11 January 2014)
80The God of surprises (20 January 2014)
81The God of surprises (20 January 2014)
82The God of surprises (20 January 2014)
83The prayer of praise (28 January 2014)
84The prayer of praise (28 January 2014)
85When God cries (4 February 2014)
86Return to the first Galilee (7 February 2014)
87At Mass without a watch (10 February 2014)
88At Mass without a watch (10 February 2014)
89At Mass without a watch (10 February 2014)
90Bearing witness to Christ (6 May 2014)
91Bearing witness to Christ (6 May 2014)
92We must decrease that he might increase (9 May 2014)
93We must decrease that he might increase (9 May 2014)
94Moving and steady (19 May 2014)
95Three loves for one wedding (2 June 2014)
96A house not for rent (5 June 2014)
97You never forget your first love (6 June 2014)
98When hate kills (12 June 2014)
99A still small voice (13 June 2014)
100Speakers without authority (26 June 2014)
101Martyred with white gloves (30 June 2014)
102Martyred with white gloves (30 June 2014)
103Holy Mass celebrated in the Chapel of the Domus Sanctae Marthae with a group of clergy sex abuse victims (7 July 2014)
104Foolish Christians (11 September 2014)
105Foolish Christians (11 September 2014)
106True identity (26 September 2014)
107Prayers in the darkness (30 September 2014)
108He always gives more (9 October 2014)
109God always goes the distance (6 November 2014)
110The fear of surprise (20 November 2014)
111Those who scandalize the people (21 November 2014)
112Those who scandalize the people (21 November 2014)
113Where the light comes from (24 November 2014)
114Where the light comes from (24 November 2014)
115Where the light comes from (24 November 2014)
116Depression or hope? (27 November 2014)
117Founded on rock (4 December 2014)
118Founded on rock (4 December 2014)
119They shall be first (16 December 2014)
120They shall be first (16 December 2014)
121They shall be first (16 December 2014)
122Two identity cards (10 February 2015)
123Stop and choose (19 February 2015)
124Abstaining from injustice (20 February 2015)
125When the Lord exaggerates (3 March 2015)
126Nameless (5 March 2015)
127Harmony, poverty and patience (14 April 2015)
128The Church of martyrs (21 April 2015)
129Memory and service (30 April 2015)
130As the Spirit moves (8 May 2015)
131The importance of saying goodbye (19 May 2015)
132Our wage from Jesus (26 May 2015)
133What kind of Christian are we? (28 May 2015)
134Three lifestyles (29 May 2015)
135Salvation is drawn from rejection (1st June 2015)
136Wealth and poverty (16 June 2015)
137Let us close the distance (26 June 2015)
138A twofold confession (3 September 2015)
139Bite your tongue (4 September 2015)
140How peace is made (10 September 2015)
141Contagious motherhood (15 September 2015)
142The angel and the child (2 October 2015)
143The sister’s nickname (20 October 2015)
144Capable of compassion (30 October 2015)
145Never exclude (5 November 2015)
146Our identity up for auction (16 November 2015)
147Our identity up for auction (16 November 2015)
148The way of peace (19 November 2015)
149A daily struggle (20 November 2015)
150A daily struggle (20 November 2015)
151A daily struggle (20 November 2015)
152The one treasure (23 November 2015)
153A father's caress (10 December 2015)
154Three traits (15 December 2015)
155A surprising embrace (8 January 2016)
156A surprising embrace (8 January 2016)
157A struggle with God (12 January 2016)
158New wineskins (18 January 2016)
159New wineskins (18 January 2016)
160New wineskins (18 January 2016)
161Saint and sinner (19 January 2016)
162From sin into corruption (29 January 2016)
163The greatest legacy (4 February 2016)
164How harmony is created (5 April 2016)
165The lifeblood (7 April 2016)
166Journey and remembrance (21 April 2016)
167The cost of witness (2 May 2016)
168For nobles causes (10 May 2016)
169For nobles causes (10 May 2016)
170The desire to climb (17 May 2016)
171Day after day (24 May 2016)
172A Christian’s battery (7 June 2016)
173The holiness of negotiation (9 June 2016)
174The last step (14 June 2016)
175A matter of style (9 September 2016)
176We are all Corinthians (12 September 2016)
177Holy Mass in suffrage of Father Jacques Hamel (14 September 2016)
178Holy Mass in suffrage of Father Jacques Hamel (14 September 2016)
179Holy Mass in suffrage of Father Jacques Hamel (14 September 2016)
180Osteoporosis of the soul (22 September 2016)
181The solitude of the shepherd (18 October 2016)
182Liberated servants (8 November 2016)
183Knowing the times (17 November 2016)
184A definitive gesture (18 November 2016)
185On the day of justice (22 November 2016)
186One word is enough (25 November 2016)
187Beautiful surprise (28 November 2016)
188The intuition of Magdalene (5 December 2016)
189Mediators or intermediaries (9 December 2016)
190Mediators or intermediaries (9 December 2016)
191Mediators or intermediaries (9 December 2016)
192Mediators or intermediaries (9 December 2016)
193Three wonders (23 January 2017)
194Three wonders (23 January 2017)
195Three wonders (23 January 2017)
196Three wonders (23 January 2017)
197Three wonders (23 January 2017)
198Three wonders (23 January 2017)
199Three wonders (23 January 2017)
200One after the other (24 January 2017)

Islam: “Qurʾān”

No. Name Content
1The Heifer 2:196
2The Heifer 2:273
3Family of Imran 3:35
4The Table 5:27
5Livestock 6:136
6Repentance 9:53
7Repentance 9:54
8Repentance 9:79
9Repentance 9:98
10Repentance 9:99
11The Pilgrimage 22:33
12The Pilgrimage 22:34
13The Pilgrimage 22:67

Islam: “Hadith”

No. Name Content
1Sahih Al Bukhari the book of as-salat (the prayer)(358)
2Sahih Al Bukhari the book of al-umra(1805)
3Sahih Al Bukhari the book of peacemaking(2707)
4Sahih Al Bukhari the book of al- maghazi(4136)
5Sahih Al Bukhari the book of holding fast to the qur’an and the sunna(7310)
6Sahih Al Muslim the book of the merit of the holy quran(1931)
7Sahih Al Muslim the book of zakat(2316)
8Sahih Al Muslim the book of zakat(2330)
9Sahih Al Muslim the book of zakat(2372)
10Sahih Al Muslim the book of vows(4246)
11Sahih Al Muslim the book of government(4826)
12Sunan Abu Dawood prayer (kitab al-salat)(646)
13Sunan Abu Dawood prayer (kitab al-salat): detailed injunctions about ramadan(1382)
14Sunan Abu Dawood prayer (kitab al-salat): detailed injunctions about ramadan(1382)
15Sunan Abu Dawood zakat (kitab al-zakat)(1689)
16Sunan Abu Dawood fasting (kitab al-siyam)(2474)
17Sunan Abu Dawood jihad (kitab al-jihad)(2525)
18Sunan Abu Dawood oaths and vows (kitab al-aiman wa al-nudhur)(3325)
19Sunan Ibn E Majah chapters on hajj rituals(3048)
20Sunan Ibn E Majah zuhd(4107)
21Sahih Al Bukhari the book of belief (faith)(53)
22Sahih Al Bukhari the book of knowledge(84)
23Sahih Al Bukhari the book of wudu (ablution)(138)
24Sahih Al Bukhari the book of wudu (ablution)(183)
25Sahih Al Bukhari the book of wudu (ablution)(228)
26Sahih Al Bukhari the book of menses (menstrual periods)(294)
27Sahih Al Bukhari the book of menses (menstrual periods)(316)
28Sahih Al Bukhari the book of menses (menstrual periods)(333)
29Sahih Al Bukhari the book of tayammum (rubbing hands and feet with dust)(344)
30Sahih Al Bukhari the book of as-salat (the prayer)(380)
31Sahih Al Bukhari the book of as-salat (the prayer)(432)
32Sahih Al Bukhari the book of the times of as-salat (the prayers) and its superiority(521)
33Sahih Al Bukhari the book of the times of as-salat (the prayers) and its superiority(526)
34Sahih Al Bukhari the book of the times of as-salat (the prayers) and its superiority(527)
35Sahih Al Bukhari the book of adhan(695)
36Sahih Al Bukhari the book of adhan(714)
37Sahih Al Bukhari the book of adhan (sufa-tus-salat)(793)
38Sahih Al Bukhari the book of adhan (sufa-tus-salat)(859)
39Sahih Al Bukhari the book of al-jummah (friday)(881)
40Sahih Al Bukhari the book of al-jummah (friday)(900)
41Sahih Al Bukhari the book of al-jummah (friday)(922)
42Sahih Al Bukhari the book of al-jummah (friday)(929)
43Sahih Al Bukhari the book of al-jummah (friday)(929)
44Sahih Al Bukhari the book of salat-ul-khauf (fear prayer)(945)
45Sahih Al Bukhari the book of salat-ul-khauf (fear prayer)(945)
46Sahih Al Bukhari the book of salat-ul-khauf (fear prayer)(946)
47Sahih Al Bukhari the book of salat-ul-khauf (fear prayer)(947)
48Sahih Al Bukhari the book of the two eid (prayers and festivals)(978)
49Sahih Al Bukhari the book of the two eid (prayers and festivals)(984)
50Sahih Al Bukhari the book of witr(997)
51Sahih Al Bukhari the book of al-istisqa(1005)
52Sahih Al Bukhari the book of al-istisqa(1012)
53Sahih Al Bukhari the book of al-istisqa(1021)
54Sahih Al Bukhari the book of the eclipses(1048)
55Sahih Al Bukhari the book of abridged or shortened prayers (at-taqsir)(1094)
56Sahih Al Bukhari the book of abridged or shortened prayers (at-taqsir)(1095)
57Sahih Al Bukhari the book of abridged or shortened prayers (at-taqsir)(1109)
58Sahih Al Bukhari the book of salat-ut-tahajjud (night prayer)(1120)
59Sahih Al Bukhari the book of salat-ut-tahajjud (night prayer)(1159)
60Sahih Al Bukhari the book of salat-ut-tahajjud (night prayer)(1164)
61Sahih Al Bukhari the book of salat-ut-tahajjud (night prayer)(1169)
62Sahih Al Bukhari the book of salat-ut-tahajjud (night prayer)(1172)
63Sahih Al Bukhari the book of salat-ut-tahajjud (night prayer)(1172)
64Sahih Al Bukhari the book of salat-ut-tahajjud (night prayer)(1173)
65Sahih Al Bukhari the book of salat-ut-tahajjud (night prayer)(1174)
66Sahih Al Bukhari the book of salat-ut-tahajjud (night prayer)(1178)
67Sahih Al Bukhari the book of salat-ut-tahajjud (night prayer)(1179)
68Sahih Al Bukhari the book of salat-ut-tahajjud (night prayer)(1187)
69Sahih Al Bukhari the book of the superiority of offering as-salat in the mosque of makkah and al-madina(1191)
70Sahih Al Bukhari the book of dealing with actions in as-salat (the prayer)(1206)
71Sahih Al Bukhari the book of as-sahw (forgetting)(1226)
72Sahih Al Bukhari the book of as-sahw (forgetting)(1227)
73Sahih Al Bukhari the book of as-sahw (forgetting)(1228)
74Sahih Al Bukhari the book of as-sahw (forgetting)(1229)
75Sahih Al Bukhari the book of al-janaiz (funerals)(1340)
76Sahih Al Bukhari the book of al-janaiz (funerals)(1366)
77Sahih Al Bukhari the book of zakat(1493)
78Sahih Al Bukhari the book of hajj(1513)
79Sahih Al Bukhari the book of hajj(1545)
80Sahih Al Bukhari the book of hajj(1546)
81Sahih Al Bukhari the book of hajj(1548)
82Sahih Al Bukhari the book of hajj(1551)
83Sahih Al Bukhari the book of hajj(1553)
84Sahih Al Bukhari the book of hajj(1627)
85Sahih Al Bukhari the book of hajj(1651)
86Sahih Al Bukhari the book of hajj(1672)
87Sahih Al Bukhari the book of hajj(1673)
88Sahih Al Bukhari the book of hajj(1674)
89Sahih Al Bukhari the book of hajj(1688)
90Sahih Al Bukhari the book of hajj(1707)
91Sahih Al Bukhari the book of hajj(1708)
92Sahih Al Bukhari the book of hajj(1712)
93Sahih Al Bukhari the book of hajj(1763)
94Sahih Al Bukhari the book of hajj(1767)
95Sahih Al Bukhari the book of al-umra(1783)
96Sahih Al Bukhari the book of al-umra(1793)
97Sahih Al Bukhari the book of al-muhsar(1812)
98Sahih Al Bukhari the book of as-saum (the fasting)(1897)
99Sahih Al Bukhari the book of tarawih prayers(2009)
100Sahih Al Bukhari the book of representation(2300)
101Sahih Al Bukhari the book of representation(2317)
102Sahih Al Bukhari the book of al-mazalim(2482)
103Sahih Al Bukhari the book of partnership(2505)
104Sahih Al Bukhari the book of partnership(2506)
105Sahih Al Bukhari the book of manumission (of slaves)(2531)
106Sahih Al Bukhari the book of gifts and the superiority of giving gifts and the exhortation for giving gifts(2615)
107Sahih Al Bukhari the book of conditions(2731)
108Sahih Al Bukhari the book of conditions(2732)
109Sahih Al Bukhari the book of wasaya (wills and testaments)(2754)
110Sahih Al Bukhari the book of wasaya (wills and testaments)(2757)
111Sahih Al Bukhari the book of jihad (fighting for allah’s cause)(2782)
112Sahih Al Bukhari the book of jihad (fighting for allah’s cause)(2952)
113Sahih Al Bukhari the book of jihad (fighting for allah’s cause)(2981)
114Sahih Al Bukhari the book of jihad (fighting for allah’s cause)(3000)
115Sahih Al Bukhari the book of jihad (fighting for allah’s cause)(3059)
116Sahih Al Bukhari the book of jihad (fighting for allah’s cause)(3088)
117Sahih Al Bukhari the book of the obligations of khumus(3095)
118Sahih Al Bukhari the book of virtues(3510)
119Sahih Al Bukhari the book of virtues(3571)
120Sahih Al Bukhari the book of virtues(3596)
121Sahih Al Bukhari the virtues and merits of the companions of the prophet(3766)
122Sahih Al Bukhari the merits of al-ansar(3905)
123Sahih Al Bukhari the book of al- maghazi(3989)
124Sahih Al Bukhari the book of al- maghazi(4086)
125Sahih Al Bukhari the book of al- maghazi(4112)
126Sahih Al Bukhari the book of al- maghazi(4176)
127Sahih Al Bukhari the book of al- maghazi(4178)
128Sahih Al Bukhari the book of al- maghazi(4179)
129Sahih Al Bukhari the book of al- maghazi(4187)
130Sahih Al Bukhari the book of al- maghazi(4200)
131Sahih Al Bukhari the book of al- maghazi(4289)
132Sahih Al Bukhari the book of al- maghazi(4289)
133Sahih Al Bukhari the book of al- maghazi(4292)
134Sahih Al Bukhari the book of al- maghazi(4302)
135Sahih Al Bukhari the book of al- maghazi(4309)
136Sahih Al Bukhari the book of al- maghazi(4369)
137Sahih Al Bukhari the book of al- maghazi(4370)
138Sahih Al Bukhari the book of al- maghazi(4370)
139Sahih Al Bukhari the book of al- maghazi(4396)
140Sahih Al Bukhari the book of al- maghazi(4418)
141Sahih Al Bukhari the book of commentary(4494)
142Sahih Al Bukhari the book of commentary(4521)
143Sahih Al Bukhari the book of commentary(4535)
144Sahih Al Bukhari the book of commentary(4535)
145Sahih Al Bukhari the book of commentary(4554)
146Sahih Al Bukhari the book of commentary(4670)
147Sahih Al Bukhari the book of commentary(4788)
148Sahih Al Bukhari the book of commentary(4895)
149Sahih Al Bukhari the book of commentary(4965)
150Sahih Al Bukhari the book of the virtues of the quran(5029)
151Sahih Al Bukhari the book of the virtues of the quran(5030)
152Sahih Al Bukhari the book of the virtues of the quran(5030)
153Sahih Al Bukhari the book of (the wedlock)(5087)
154Sahih Al Bukhari the book of (the wedlock)(5121)
155Sahih Al Bukhari the book of (the wedlock)(5126)
156Sahih Al Bukhari the book of (the wedlock)(5149)
157Sahih Al Bukhari the book of (the wedlock)(5249)
158Sahih Al Bukhari the book of foods (meals)(5389)
159Sahih Al Bukhari the book of foods (meals)(5391)
160Sahih Al Bukhari the book of foods (meals)(5423)
161Sahih Al Bukhari the book of foods (meals)(5424)
162Sahih Al Bukhari the book of al-aqiqa(5473)
163Sahih Al Bukhari the book of al-aqiqa(5474)
164Sahih Al Bukhari the book of slaughtering and hunting(5499)
165Sahih Al Bukhari the book of slaughtering and hunting(5500)
166Sahih Al Bukhari the book of al-adahi(5545)
167Sahih Al Bukhari the book of al-adahi(5553)
168Sahih Al Bukhari the book of al-adahi(5556)
169Sahih Al Bukhari the book of al-adahi(5560)
170Sahih Al Bukhari the book of al-adahi(5562)
171Sahih Al Bukhari the book of al-adahi(5564)
172Sahih Al Bukhari the book of al-adahi(5565)
173Sahih Al Bukhari the book of al-adahi(5568)
174Sahih Al Bukhari the book of al-adahi(5570)
175Sahih Al Bukhari the book of al-adahi(5572)
176Sahih Al Bukhari the book of dress(5801)
177Sahih Al Bukhari the book of dress(5916)
178Sahih Al Bukhari the book of al-adab (good manners)(5980)
179Sahih Al Bukhari the book of al-adab (good manners)(6106)
180Sahih Al Bukhari the book of al-adab (good manners)(6123)
181Sahih Al Bukhari the book of al-adab (good manners)(6139)
182Sahih Al Bukhari the book of al-adab (good manners)(6157)
183Sahih Al Bukhari the book of al-adab (good manners)(6158)
184Sahih Al Bukhari the book of al-adab (good manners)(6159)
185Sahih Al Bukhari the book of al-adab (good manners)(6160)
186Sahih Al Bukhari the book of invocations(6356)
187Sahih Al Bukhari the book of ar-riqaq (softening of the hearts)(6590)
188Sahih Al Bukhari the book of oaths and vows(6671)
189Sahih Al Bukhari the book of oaths and vows(6707)
190Sahih Al Bukhari the book of the expiation of unfulfilled oaths(6713)
191Sahih Al Bukhari the book of al-hudud(6778)
192Sahih Al Bukhari the book of al-maharbeen(6820)
193Sahih Al Bukhari the book of ad-diyait (blood - money)(6903)
194Sahih Al Bukhari the book of tauhid (islamic monotheism)(7372)
195Sahih Al Bukhari the book of tauhid (islamic monotheism)(7400)
196Sahih Al Bukhari the book of tauhid (islamic monotheism)(7442)
197Sahih Al Bukhari the book of tauhid (islamic monotheism)(7452)
198Sahih Al Muslim the book of faith(148)
199Sahih Al Muslim the book of faith(303)
200Sahih Al Muslim the book of faith(304)
201Sahih Al Muslim the book of faith(475)
202Sahih Al Muslim the book of menstruation(717)
203Sahih Al Muslim the book of menstruation(766)
204Sahih Al Muslim the book of menstruation(767)
205Sahih Al Muslim the book of prayers(886)
206Sahih Al Muslim the book of prayers(895)
207Sahih Al Muslim the book of prayers(1095)
208Sahih Al Muslim the book of prayers(1137)
209Sahih Al Muslim the book of mosques and places of prayer(1407)
210Sahih Al Muslim the book of mosques and places of prayer(1413)
211Sahih Al Muslim the book of prayer - friday(1965)
212Sahih Al Muslim the book of prayer - friday(1985)
213Sahih Al Muslim the book of prayer - friday(1987)
214Sahih Al Muslim the book of prayer - friday(2021)
215Sahih Al Muslim the book of zakat(2312)
216Sahih Al Muslim the book of fasting(2771)
217Sahih Al Muslim the book of aetikaaf(2788)
218Sahih Al Muslim the book of pilgrimage(2850)
219Sahih Al Muslim the book of pilgrimage(2878)
220Sahih Al Muslim the book of pilgrimage(2881)
221Sahih Al Muslim the book of pilgrimage(2882)
222Sahih Al Muslim the book of pilgrimage(2917)
223Sahih Al Muslim the book of pilgrimage(2919)
224Sahih Al Muslim the book of pilgrimage(2920)
225Sahih Al Muslim the book of pilgrimage(2921)
226Sahih Al Muslim the book of pilgrimage(2944)
227Sahih Al Muslim the book of pilgrimage(2946)
228Sahih Al Muslim the book of pilgrimage(2953)
229Sahih Al Muslim the book of pilgrimage(2983)
230Sahih Al Muslim the book of pilgrimage(2983)
231Sahih Al Muslim the book of pilgrimage(2983)
232Sahih Al Muslim the book of pilgrimage(2983)
233Sahih Al Muslim the book of pilgrimage(2985)
234Sahih Al Muslim the book of pilgrimage(2990)
235Sahih Al Muslim the book of pilgrimage(2993)
236Sahih Al Muslim the book of pilgrimage(2993)
237Sahih Al Muslim the book of pilgrimage(2993)
238Sahih Al Muslim the book of pilgrimage(3021)
239Sahih Al Muslim the book of pilgrimage(3103)
240Sahih Al Muslim the book of pilgrimage(3153)
241Sahih Al Muslim the book of pilgrimage(3155)
242Sahih Al Muslim the book of pilgrimage(3157)
243Sahih Al Muslim the book of pilgrimage(3157)
244Sahih Al Muslim the book of pilgrimage(3158)
245Sahih Al Muslim the book of pilgrimage(3162)
246Sahih Al Muslim the book of pilgrimage(3162)
247Sahih Al Muslim the book of pilgrimage(3165)
248Sahih Al Muslim the book of pilgrimage(3186)
249Sahih Al Muslim the book of pilgrimage(3187)
250Sahih Al Muslim the book of pilgrimage(3188)
251Sahih Al Muslim the book of pilgrimage(3189)
252Sahih Al Muslim the book of pilgrimage(3189)
253Sahih Al Muslim the book of pilgrimage(3192)
254Sahih Al Muslim the book of pilgrimage(3193)
255Sahih Al Muslim the book of pilgrimage(3206)
256Sahih Al Muslim the book of pilgrimage(3207)
257Sahih Al Muslim the book of pilgrimage(3209)
258Sahih Al Muslim the book of pilgrimage(3212)
259Sahih Al Muslim the book of pilgrimage(3213)
260Sahih Al Muslim the book of pilgrimage(3213)
261Sahih Al Muslim the book of pilgrimage(3217)
262Sahih Al Muslim the book of pilgrimage(3218)
263Sahih Al Muslim the book of suckling(3632)
264Sahih Al Muslim the book of suckling(3633)
265Sahih Al Muslim the book of suckling(3642)
266Sahih Al Muslim the book of wills(4225)
267Sahih Al Muslim the book of oaths, muharibin, qasas (retaliation), and diyat (blood money)(4384)
268Sahih Al Muslim the book of jihad and expeditions(4592)
269Sahih Al Muslim the book of jihad and expeditions(4610)
270Sahih Al Muslim the book of jihad and expeditions(4669)
271Sahih Al Muslim the book of jihad and expeditions(4670)
272Sahih Al Muslim the book of jihad and expeditions(4670)
273Sahih Al Muslim the book of government(4810)
274Sahih Al Muslim the book of government(4889)
275Sahih Al Muslim the book of sacrifices(5064)
276Sahih Al Muslim the book of sacrifices(5067)
277Sahih Al Muslim the book of sacrifices(5069)
278Sahih Al Muslim the book of sacrifices(5070)
279Sahih Al Muslim the book of sacrifices(5070)
280Sahih Al Muslim the book of sacrifices(5070)
281Sahih Al Muslim the book of sacrifices(5071)
282Sahih Al Muslim the book of sacrifices(5072)
283Sahih Al Muslim the book of sacrifices(5076)
284Sahih Al Muslim the book of sacrifices(5079)
285Sahih Al Muslim the book of sacrifices(5083)
286Sahih Al Muslim the book of sacrifices(5087)
287Sahih Al Muslim the book of sacrifices(5088)
288Sahih Al Muslim the book of sacrifices(5091)
289Sahih Al Muslim the book of sacrifices(5091)
290Sahih Al Muslim the book of sacrifices(5103)
291Sahih Al Muslim the book of sacrifices(5107)
292Sahih Al Muslim the book of sacrifices(5109)
293Sahih Al Muslim the book of sacrifices(5118)
294Sahih Al Muslim the book of sacrifices(5121)
295Sahih Al Muslim the book of sacrifices(5124)
296Sahih Al Muslim the book of sacrifices(5126)
297Sahih Al Muslim the book of the merits of the companions(6277)
298Sahih Al Muslim the book of virtue, enjoining good manners, and joining of the ties of kinshio(6509)
299Sahih Al Muslim the book of paradise, its description, its bounties and its inhabitants(7191)
300Sunan Abu Dawood purification (kitab al-taharah)(111)
301Sunan Abu Dawood purification (kitab al-taharah)(351)
302Sunan Abu Dawood purification (kitab al-taharah)(380)
303Sunan Abu Dawood prayer (kitab al-salat)(395)
304Sunan Abu Dawood prayer (kitab al-salat)(395)
305Sunan Abu Dawood prayer (kitab al-salat)(431)
306Sunan Abu Dawood prayer (kitab al-salat)(445)
307Sunan Abu Dawood prayer (kitab al-salat)(711)
308Sunan Abu Dawood prayer (kitab al-salat)(733)
309Sunan Abu Dawood prayer (kitab al-salat)(760)
310Sunan Abu Dawood prayer (kitab al-salat)(763)
311Sunan Abu Dawood prayer (kitab al-salat)(764)
312Sunan Abu Dawood prayer (kitab al-salat)(963)
313Sunan Abu Dawood prayer (kitab al-salat)(1023)
314Sunan Abu Dawood prayer (kitab al-salat)(1043)
315Sunan Abu Dawood prayer (kitab al-salat)(1072)
316Sunan Abu Dawood prayer (kitab al-salat)(1093)
317Sunan Abu Dawood prayer (kitab al-salat)(1136)
318Sunan Abu Dawood prayer (kitab al-salat)(1154)
319Sunan Abu Dawood prayer (kitab al-salat)(1155)
320Sunan Abu Dawood prayer (kitab al-salat): detailed rules of law about the prayer during journey(1220)
321Sunan Abu Dawood prayer (kitab al-salat): detailed rules of law about the prayer during journey(1238)
322Sunan Abu Dawood prayer (kitab al-salat): voluntary prayers(1342)
323Sunan Abu Dawood prayer (kitab al-salat): voluntary prayers(1357)
324Sunan Abu Dawood prayer (kitab al-salat): detailed injunctions about witr(1464)
325Sunan Abu Dawood prayer (kitab al-salat): detailed injunctions about witr(1538)
326Sunan Abu Dawood zakat (kitab al-zakat)(1568)
327Sunan Abu Dawood the rites of hajj (kitab al-manasik wa'l-hajj)(1751)
328Sunan Abu Dawood the rites of hajj (kitab al-manasik wa'l-hajj)(1755)
329Sunan Abu Dawood the rites of hajj (kitab al-manasik wa'l-hajj)(1756)
330Sunan Abu Dawood the rites of hajj (kitab al-manasik wa'l-hajj)(1760)
331Sunan Abu Dawood the rites of hajj (kitab al-manasik wa'l-hajj)(1762)
332Sunan Abu Dawood the rites of hajj (kitab al-manasik wa'l-hajj)(1763)
333Sunan Abu Dawood the rites of hajj (kitab al-manasik wa'l-hajj)(1763)
334Sunan Abu Dawood the rites of hajj (kitab al-manasik wa'l-hajj)(1765)
335Sunan Abu Dawood the rites of hajj (kitab al-manasik wa'l-hajj)(1765)
336Sunan Abu Dawood the rites of hajj (kitab al-manasik wa'l-hajj)(1767)
337Sunan Abu Dawood the rites of hajj (kitab al-manasik wa'l-hajj)(1768)
338Sunan Abu Dawood the rites of hajj (kitab al-manasik wa'l-hajj)(1770)
339Sunan Abu Dawood the rites of hajj (kitab al-manasik wa'l-hajj)(1805)
340Sunan Abu Dawood the rites of hajj (kitab al-manasik wa'l-hajj)(1849)
341Sunan Abu Dawood the rites of hajj (kitab al-manasik wa'l-hajj)(1858)
342Sunan Abu Dawood the rites of hajj (kitab al-manasik wa'l-hajj)(1859)
343Sunan Abu Dawood the rites of hajj (kitab al-manasik wa'l-hajj)(1905)
344Sunan Abu Dawood the rites of hajj (kitab al-manasik wa'l-hajj)(1907)
345Sunan Abu Dawood the rites of hajj (kitab al-manasik wa'l-hajj)(1919)
346Sunan Abu Dawood the rites of hajj (kitab al-manasik wa'l-hajj)(1927)
347Sunan Abu Dawood the rites of hajj (kitab al-manasik wa'l-hajj)(1935)
348Sunan Abu Dawood the rites of hajj (kitab al-manasik wa'l-hajj)(1936)
349Sunan Abu Dawood the rites of hajj (kitab al-manasik wa'l-hajj)(1945)
350Sunan Abu Dawood the rites of hajj (kitab al-manasik wa'l-hajj)(1945)
351Sunan Abu Dawood the rites of hajj (kitab al-manasik wa'l-hajj)(1946)
352Sunan Abu Dawood the rites of hajj (kitab al-manasik wa'l-hajj)(1953)
353Sunan Abu Dawood the rites of hajj (kitab al-manasik wa'l-hajj)(1954)
354Sunan Abu Dawood the rites of hajj (kitab al-manasik wa'l-hajj)(1955)
355Sunan Abu Dawood the rites of hajj (kitab al-manasik wa'l-hajj)(1973)
356Sunan Abu Dawood the rites of hajj (kitab al-manasik wa'l-hajj)(1975)
357Sunan Abu Dawood the rites of hajj (kitab al-manasik wa'l-hajj)(1981)
358Sunan Abu Dawood the rites of hajj (kitab al-manasik wa'l-hajj)(1988)
359Sunan Abu Dawood the rites of hajj (kitab al-manasik wa'l-hajj)(1989)
360Sunan Abu Dawood the rites of hajj (kitab al-manasik wa'l-hajj)(1990)
361Sunan Abu Dawood the rites of hajj (kitab al-manasik wa'l-hajj)(1990)
362Sunan Abu Dawood the rites of hajj (kitab al-manasik wa'l-hajj)(1998)
363Sunan Abu Dawood the rites of hajj (kitab al-manasik wa'l-hajj)(2004)
364Sunan Abu Dawood the rites of hajj (kitab al-manasik wa'l-hajj)(2026)
365Sunan Abu Dawood the rites of hajj (kitab al-manasik wa'l-hajj)(2040)
366Sunan Abu Dawood marriage (kitab al-nikah)(2111)
367Sunan Abu Dawood marriage (kitab al-nikah)(2135)
368Sunan Abu Dawood fasting (kitab al-siyam)(2313)
369Sunan Abu Dawood fasting (kitab al-siyam)(2324)
370Sunan Abu Dawood fasting (kitab al-siyam)(2449)
371Sunan Abu Dawood fasting (kitab al-siyam)(2459)
372Sunan Abu Dawood jihad (kitab al-jihad)(2660)
373Sunan Abu Dawood sacrifice (kitab al-dahaya)(2788)
374Sunan Abu Dawood sacrifice (kitab al-dahaya)(2789)
375Sunan Abu Dawood sacrifice (kitab al-dahaya)(2790)
376Sunan Abu Dawood sacrifice (kitab al-dahaya)(2792)
377Sunan Abu Dawood sacrifice (kitab al-dahaya)(2800)
378Sunan Abu Dawood sacrifice (kitab al-dahaya)(2800)
379Sunan Abu Dawood sacrifice (kitab al-dahaya)(2801)
380Sunan Abu Dawood sacrifice (kitab al-dahaya)(2807)
381Sunan Abu Dawood sacrifice (kitab al-dahaya)(2830)
382Sunan Abu Dawood sacrifice (kitab al-dahaya)(2833)
383Sunan Abu Dawood sacrifice (kitab al-dahaya)(2835)
384Sunan Abu Dawood sacrifice (kitab al-dahaya)(2836)
385Sunan Abu Dawood sacrifice (kitab al-dahaya)(2837)
386Sunan Abu Dawood sacrifice (kitab al-dahaya)(2841)
387Sunan Abu Dawood sacrifice (kitab al-dahaya)(2842)
388Sunan Abu Dawood wills (kitab al-wasaya)(2878)
389Sunan Abu Dawood wills (kitab al-wasaya)(2879)
390Sunan Abu Dawood shares of inheritance (kitab al-fara'id)(2923)
391Sunan Abu Dawood tribute, spoils, and rulership (kitab al-kharaj, wal-fai' wal-imarah)(2963)
392Sunan Abu Dawood tribute, spoils, and rulership (kitab al-kharaj, wal-fai' wal-imarah)(2967)
393Sunan Abu Dawood tribute, spoils, and rulership (kitab al-kharaj, wal-fai' wal-imarah)(2967)
394Sunan Abu Dawood tribute, spoils, and rulership (kitab al-kharaj, wal-fai' wal-imarah)(2974)
395Sunan Abu Dawood tribute, spoils, and rulership (kitab al-kharaj, wal-fai' wal-imarah)(2982)
396Sunan Abu Dawood oaths and vows (kitab al-aiman wa al-nudhur)(3303)
397Sunan Abu Dawood drinks (kitab al-ashribah)(3672)
398Sunan Abu Dawood drinks (kitab al-ashribah)(3710)
399Sunan Abu Dawood prescribed punishments (kitab al-hudud)(4440)
400Sunan Abu Dawood model behavior of the prophet (kitab al-sunnah)(4658)
401Sunan Ibn E Majah the book of the prayer(667)
402Sunan Ibn E Majah the book of the prayer(667)
403Sunan Ibn E Majah the book of the prayer(667)
404Sunan Ibn E Majah establishing the prayer and the sunnah regarding them(1092)
405Sunan Ibn E Majah establishing the prayer and the sunnah regarding them(1093)
406Sunan Ibn E Majah establishing the prayer and the sunnah regarding them(1225)
407Sunan Ibn E Majah chapters regarding funerals(1502)
408Sunan Ibn E Majah chapters regarding funerals(1524)
409Sunan Ibn E Majah fasting(1660)
410Sunan Ibn E Majah fasting(1701)
411Sunan Ibn E Majah the chapters regarding zakat(1826)
412Sunan Ibn E Majah the chapters on marriage(2000)
413Sunan Ibn E Majah the chapters on marriage(2001)
414Sunan Ibn E Majah the chapters on marriage(2001)
415Sunan Ibn E Majah the chapters on expiation(2130)
416Sunan Ibn E Majah the chapters on expiation(2131)
417Sunan Ibn E Majah the chapters on pawning(2446)
418Sunan Ibn E Majah the chapters on legal punishments(2555)
419Sunan Ibn E Majah the chapters on wills(2717)
420Sunan Ibn E Majah chapters on hajj rituals(2909)
421Sunan Ibn E Majah chapters on hajj rituals(2963)
422Sunan Ibn E Majah chapters on hajj rituals(2981)
423Sunan Ibn E Majah chapters on hajj rituals(3000)
424Sunan Ibn E Majah chapters on hajj rituals(3031)
425Sunan Ibn E Majah chapters on hajj rituals(3046)
426Sunan Ibn E Majah chapters on hajj rituals(3058)
427Sunan Ibn E Majah chapters on hajj rituals(3073)
428Sunan Ibn E Majah chapters on hajj rituals(3079)
429Sunan Ibn E Majah chapters on hajj rituals(3079)
430Sunan Ibn E Majah chapters on hajj rituals(3100)
431Sunan Ibn E Majah chapters on sacrifices(3120)
432Sunan Ibn E Majah chapters on sacrifices(3122)
433Sunan Ibn E Majah chapters on sacrifices(3123)
434Sunan Ibn E Majah chapters on sacrifices(3124)
435Sunan Ibn E Majah chapters on sacrifices(3125)
436Sunan Ibn E Majah chapters on sacrifices(3129)
437Sunan Ibn E Majah chapters on sacrifices(3132)
438Sunan Ibn E Majah chapters on sacrifices(3134)
439Sunan Ibn E Majah chapters on sacrifices(3136)
440Sunan Ibn E Majah chapters on sacrifices(3138)
441Sunan Ibn E Majah chapters on sacrifices(3142)
442Sunan Ibn E Majah chapters on sacrifices(3147)
443Sunan Ibn E Majah chapters on sacrifices(3149)
444Sunan Ibn E Majah chapters on sacrifices(3150)
445Sunan Ibn E Majah chapters on sacrifices(3152)
446Sunan Ibn E Majah chapters on sacrifices(3157)
447Sunan Ibn E Majah chapters on slaughtering(3163)
448Sunan Ibn E Majah chapters on slaughtering(3167)
449Sunan Ibn E Majah chapters on food(3307)
450Sunan Ibn E Majah chapters on food(3313)
451Sunan Ibn E Majah etiquette(3810)
452Sunan Ibn E Majah zuhd(4154)
453Sunan Ibn E Majah zuhd(4277)
454Jami Al Tirmizi the book on salat (prayer)(375)
455Jami Al Tirmizi the book on salat (prayer)(451)
456Jami Al Tirmizi the book on fasting(802)
457Jami Al Tirmizi the book on hajj(827)
458Jami Al Tirmizi the book on hajj(885)
459Jami Al Tirmizi the book on hajj(916)
460Jami Al Tirmizi the book on marriage(1114)
461Jami Al Tirmizi the chapters on judgements from the messenger of allah(1257)
462Jami Al Tirmizi the chapters on judgements from the messenger of allah(1257)
463Jami Al Tirmizi the book on sacrifices(1502)
464Jami Al Tirmizi chapters on righteousness and maintaining good relations with relatives(1926)
465Jami Al Tirmizi chapters on the description of the day of judgement, ar-riqaq, and al-wara'(2466)
466Jami Al Tirmizi the book on faith(2616)
467Jami Al Tirmizi chapters on tafsir(2974)
468Jami Al Tirmizi chapters on tafsir(2998)
469Jami Al Tirmizi chapters on tafsir(3145)
470Jami Al Tirmizi chapters on tafsir(3145)
471Jami Al Tirmizi chapters on tafsir(3146)
472Jami Al Tirmizi chapters on tafsir(3146)
473Jami Al Tirmizi chapters on tafsir(3214)
474Jami Al Tirmizi chapters on tafsir(3215)
475Jami Al Tirmizi chapters on supplication(3581)

Hinduism: “Vedas”

No. Name Content
1Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 2 HYMN III. Āprīs.
2Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 3 HYMN I. Agni.
3Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 5 HYMN IV. Agni.
4Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 10 HYMN XIV. Yama.
5Yajur Veda Book VI
6Yajur Veda Book VIII
7Yajur Veda Book XIX
8Yajur Veda Book XXVII
9Hymns of Sama Veda PART SECOND BOOK V XVIII Agni
10Hymns of Atharva Veda IX. Prayers and Imprecations in the Interest of the Brahmans XI, 1. The preparation of the brahmaudana, the porridge given as a fee to the Brahmans
11Rig Veda Rig-Veda Book 1 HYMN LXXVII. Agni.
12Rig Veda Rig-Veda Book 1 HYMN XCIII. Agni-Soma.
13Rig Veda Rig-Veda Book 1 HYMN XCIV. Agni
14Rig Veda Rig-Veda Book 1 HYMN CXXVIII. Agni.
15Rig Veda Rig-Veda Book 1 HYMN CXXXIX. Viśvedevas.
16Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 2 HYMN XX. Indra.
17Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 3 HYMN XXXIV. Indra.
18Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 5 HYMN XLII. Viśvedevas.
19Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 6 HYMN XV. Agni.
20Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 7 HYMN XXIII. Indra.
21Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 7 HYMN XXXVI. Viśvedevas
22Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 7 HYMN LVI. Maruts.
23Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 7 HYMN LXXI. Aśvins.
24Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 8 HYMN XX Maruts.
25Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 8 HYMN LXXIII. Agni.
26Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 10 HYMN XLI. Aśvins.
27Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 10 HYMN LXIII. Viśvedevas.
28Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 10 HYMN C. Viśvedevas.
29Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 10 HYMN CVII. Dakṣiṇā.
30Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 10 HYMN CXXII. Agni.
31Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 10 HYMN CLI. Faith.
32Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 10 HYMN CLXXVI. Agni.
33Yajur Veda Book IV
34Yajur Veda Book VII
35Yajur Veda Book XIII
36Yajur Veda Book XVII
37Yajur Veda Book XXII
38Hymns of Sama Veda PART SECOND BOOK IX V Agni
39Hymns of Atharva Veda V. Charms Pertaining to Royalty (Râgakarmâni) V, 21 Hymn to the battle-drum, the terror of the enemy
40Rig Veda Rig-Veda Book 1 HYMN CLXXXVIII. Āprīs.
41Rig Veda Rig-Veda Book 1 HYMN VI. Indra.
42Rig Veda Rig-Veda Book 1 HYMN XII. Agni.
43Rig Veda Rig-Veda Book 1 HYMN XII. Agni.
44Rig Veda Rig-Veda Book 1 HYMN XIII. Agni
45Rig Veda Rig-Veda Book 1 HYMN XIII. Agni
46Rig Veda Rig-Veda Book 1 HYMN XIII. Agni
47Rig Veda Rig-Veda Book 1 HYMN XIII. Agni
48Rig Veda Rig-Veda Book 1 HYMN XV. Ṛtu.
49Rig Veda Rig-Veda Book 1 HYMN XVII. Indra-Varuṇa
50Rig Veda Rig-Veda Book 1 HYMN XX. Ṛbhus.
51Rig Veda Rig-Veda Book 1 HYMN XXIII. Vāyu and Others.
52Rig Veda Rig-Veda Book 1 HYMN XXIV. Varuṇa and Others.
53Rig Veda Rig-Veda Book 1 HYMN XXVI. Agni.
54Rig Veda Rig-Veda Book 1 HYMN XXVII. Agni.
55Rig Veda Rig-Veda Book 1 HYMN XXXI. Agni.
56Rig Veda Rig-Veda Book 1 HYMN XXXI. Agni.
57Rig Veda Rig-Veda Book 1 HYMN XXXIV. Aśvins.
58Rig Veda Rig-Veda Book 1 HYMN XXXVI. Agni.
59Rig Veda Rig-Veda Book 1 HYMN XL. Brahmaṇaspati
60Rig Veda Rig-Veda Book 1 HYMN XLIII. Rudra.
61Rig Veda Rig-Veda Book 1 HYMN XLIV. Agni.
62Rig Veda Rig-Veda Book 1 HYMN XLIV. Agni.
63Rig Veda Rig-Veda Book 1 HYMN XLIV. Agni.
64Rig Veda Rig-Veda Book 1 HYMN XLIV. Agni.
65Rig Veda Rig-Veda Book 1 HYMN XLVII. Aśvins.
66Rig Veda Rig-Veda Book 1 HYMN LI. Indra.
67Rig Veda Rig-Veda Book 1 HYMN LIII. Indra.
68Rig Veda Rig-Veda Book 1 HYMN LVII. Indra.
69Rig Veda Rig-Veda Book 1 HYMN LVIII. Agni.
70Rig Veda Rig-Veda Book 1 HYMN LVIII. Agni.
71Rig Veda Rig-Veda Book 1 HYMN LXI. Indra.
72Rig Veda Rig-Veda Book 1 HYMN LXI. Indra.
73Rig Veda Rig-Veda Book 1 HYMN LXVIII. Agni.
74Rig Veda Rig-Veda Book 1 HYMN LXXII. Agni.
75Rig Veda Rig-Veda Book 1 HYMN LXXIII. Agni.
76Rig Veda Rig-Veda Book 1 HYMN LXXIV. Agni.
77Rig Veda Rig-Veda Book 1 HYMN LXXIV. Agni.
78Rig Veda Rig-Veda Book 1 HYMN LXXIV. Agni.
79Rig Veda Rig-Veda Book 1 HYMN LXXIV. Agni.
80Rig Veda Rig-Veda Book 1 HYMN LXXVII. Agni.
81Rig Veda Rig-Veda Book 1 HYMN LXXVII. Agni.
82Rig Veda Rig-Veda Book 1 HYMN LXXVII. Agni.
83Rig Veda Rig-Veda Book 1 HYMN LXXIX. Agni.
84Rig Veda Rig-Veda Book 1 HYMN LXXXI. Indra.
85Rig Veda Rig-Veda Book 1 HYMN LXXXI. Indra.
86Rig Veda Rig-Veda Book 1 HYMN LXXXIII. Indra.
87Rig Veda Rig-Veda Book 1 HYMN LXXXIV. Indra.
88Rig Veda Rig-Veda Book 1 HYMN LXXXVI. Maruts.
89Rig Veda Rig-Veda Book 1 HYMN XCI. Soma.
90Rig Veda Rig-Veda Book 1 HYMN XCII. Dawn.
91Rig Veda Rig-Veda Book 1 HYMN XCII. Dawn.
92Rig Veda Rig-Veda Book 1 HYMN XCIII. Agni-Soma.
93Rig Veda Rig-Veda Book 1 HYMN XCVII. Agni.
94Rig Veda Rig-Veda Book 1 HYMN CI. Indra.
95Rig Veda Rig-Veda Book 1 HYMN CV. Viśvedevas.
96Rig Veda Rig-Veda Book 1 HYMN CV. Viśvedevas.
97Rig Veda Rig-Veda Book 1 HYMN CV. Viśvedevas.
98Rig Veda Rig-Veda Book 1 HYMN CX. Ṛbhus.
99Rig Veda Rig-Veda Book 1 HYMN CX. Ṛbhus.
100Rig Veda Rig-Veda Book 1 HYMN CX. Ṛbhus.
101Rig Veda Rig-Veda Book 1 HYMN CXIII. Dawn.
102Rig Veda Rig-Veda Book 1 HYMN CXIV. Rudra.
103Rig Veda Rig-Veda Book 1 HYMN CXVIII. Aśvins.
104Rig Veda Rig-Veda Book 1 HYMN CXX. Aśvins.
105Rig Veda Rig-Veda Book 1 HYMN CXXI. Indra.
106Rig Veda Rig-Veda Book 1 HYMN CXXII Viśvedevas.
107Rig Veda Rig-Veda Book 1 HYMN CXXII Viśvedevas.
108Rig Veda Rig-Veda Book 1 HYMN CXXII Viśvedevas.
109Rig Veda Rig-Veda Book 1 HYMN CXXVII Agni.
110Rig Veda Rig-Veda Book 1 HYMN CXXVII Agni.
111Rig Veda Rig-Veda Book 1 HYMN CXXVII Agni.
112Rig Veda Rig-Veda Book 1 HYMN CXXVIII. Agni.
113Rig Veda Rig-Veda Book 1 HYMN CXXXI. Indra.
114Rig Veda Rig-Veda Book 1 HYMN CXXXII. Indra.
115Rig Veda Rig-Veda Book 1 HYMN CXXXII. Indra.
116Rig Veda Rig-Veda Book 1 HYMN CXXXV. Vāyu, Indra-Vāyu.
117Rig Veda Rig-Veda Book 1 HYMN CXXXVI. Mitra-Varuṇa.
118Rig Veda Rig-Veda Book 1 HYMN CXXXIX. Viśvedevas.
119Rig Veda Rig-Veda Book 1 HYMN CXXXIX. Viśvedevas.
120Rig Veda Rig-Veda Book 1 HYMN CXLI. Agni.
121Rig Veda Rig-Veda Book 1 HYMN CXLI. Agni.
122Rig Veda Rig-Veda Book 1 HYMN CXLII. Āprīs.
123Rig Veda Rig-Veda Book 1 HYMN CXLIII. Agni.
124Rig Veda Rig-Veda Book 1 HYMN CXLIV. Agni.
125Rig Veda Rig-Veda Book 1 HYMN CXLVII. Agni.
126Rig Veda Rig-Veda Book 1 HYMN CL. Agni.
127Rig Veda Rig-Veda Book 1 HYMN CLIII. Mitra-Varuṇa.
128Rig Veda Rig-Veda Book 1 HYMN CLIV. Viṣṇu
129Rig Veda Rig-Veda Book 1 HYMN CLVII. Aśvins.
130Rig Veda Rig-Veda Book 1 HYMN CLVII. Aśvins.
131Rig Veda Rig-Veda Book 1 HYMN CLXI. Ṛbhus.
132Rig Veda Rig-Veda Book 1 HYMN CLXII. The Horse.
133Rig Veda Rig-Veda Book 1 HYMN CLXII. The Horse.
134Rig Veda Rig-Veda Book 1 HYMN CLXII. The Horse.
135Rig Veda Rig-Veda Book 1 HYMN CLXII. The Horse.
136Rig Veda Rig-Veda Book 1 HYMN CLXII. The Horse.
137Rig Veda Rig-Veda Book 1 HYMN CLXV. Indra. Maruts.
138Rig Veda Rig-Veda Book 1 HYMN CLXVI. Maruts.
139Rig Veda Rig-Veda Book 1 HYMN CLXVI. Maruts.
140Rig Veda Rig-Veda Book 1 HYMN CLXVII. Indra. Maruts.
141Rig Veda Rig-Veda Book 1 HYMN CLXXIII. Indra.
142Rig Veda Rig-Veda Book 1 HYMN CLXXIII. Indra.
143Rig Veda Rig-Veda Book 1 HYMN CLXXVII. Indra.
144Rig Veda Rig-Veda Book 1 HYMN CLXXVIII. Indra.
145Rig Veda Rig-Veda Book 1 HYMN CLXXX. Aśvins.
146Rig Veda Rig-Veda Book 1 HYMN CLXXX. Aśvins.
147Rig Veda Rig-Veda Book 1 HYMN CLXXX. Aśvins.
148Rig Veda Rig-Veda Book 1 HYMN CLXXXVIII. Āprīs.
149Rig Veda Rig-Veda Book 1 HYMN CLXXXVIII. Āprīs.
150Rig Veda Rig-Veda Book 1 HYMN CXC. Bṛhaspati.
151Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 2 HYMN I. Agni.
152Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 2 HYMN I. Agni.
153Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 2 HYMN II. Agni.
154Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 2 HYMN III. Āprīs.
155Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 2 HYMN III. Āprīs.
156Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 2 HYMN III. Āprīs.
157Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 2 HYMN IV Agni.
158Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 2 HYMN IX. Agni.
159Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 2 HYMN IX. Agni.
160Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 2 HYMN XI. Indra.
161Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 2 HYMN XI. Indra.
162Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 2 HYMN XI. Indra.
163Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 2 HYMN XII. Indra.
164Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 2 HYMN XIV. Indra.
165Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 2 HYMN XV. Indra
166Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 2 HYMN XVI. Indra.
167Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 2 HYMN XVII. Indra.
168Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 2 HYMN XVIII. Indra
169Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 2 HYMN XIX. Indra.
170Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 2 HYMN XX. Indra.
171Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 2 HYMN XXI.
172Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 2 HYMN XXIV. Brahmaṇaspati.
173Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 2 HYMN XXVII. Ādityas.
174Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 2 HYMN XXXII. Various Deities.
175Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 2 HYMN XXXII. Various Deities.
176Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 2 HYMN XXXIV. Maruts
177Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 2 HYMN XXXIV. Maruts
178Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 2 HYMN XXXV. Son of Waters.
179Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 2 HYMN XXXV. Son of Waters.
180Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 2 HYMN XXXVI Various Gods.
181Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 2 HYMN XLI. Various Deities.
182Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 2 HYMN XLI. Various Deities.
183Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 3 HYMN I. Agni.
184Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 3 HYMN II. Agni.
185Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 3 HYMN II. Agni.
186Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 3 HYMN III. Agni.
187Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 3 HYMN IV Āprīs.
188Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 3 HYMN IV Āprīs.
189Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 3 HYMN VI. Agni.
190Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 3 HYMN IX.
191Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 3 HYMN IX.
192Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 3 HYMN IX.
193Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 3 HYMN X. Agni.
194Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 3 HYMN X. Agni.
195Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 3 HYMN X. Agni.
196Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 3 HYMN X. Agni.
197Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 3 HYMN Xl. Agni.
198Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 3 HYMN XIII. Agni.
199Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 3 HYMN XIII. Agni.
200Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 3 HYMN XIV. Agni.
201Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 3 HYMN XIV. Agni.
202Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 3 HYMN XVII. Agni.
203Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 3 HYMN XVII. Agni.
204Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 3 HYMN XVII. Agni.
205Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 3 HYMN XVIII. Agni.
206Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 3 HYMN XXI. Agni.
207Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 3 HYMN XXI. Agni.
208Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 3 HYMN XXVI. Agni.
209Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 3 HYMN XXVII. Agni.
210Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 3 HYMN XXVII. Agni.
211Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 3 HYMN XXVIII. Agni.
212Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 3 HYMN XXIX. Agni.
213Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 3 HYMN XXIX. Agni.
214Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 3 HYMN XXXI. Indra.
215Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 3 HYMN XXXVI. Indra.
216Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 3 HYMN XXXVIII. Indra.
217Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 3 HYMN XLI. Indra.
218Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 3 HYMN XLIII. Indra.
219Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 3 HYMN XLIII. Indra.
220Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 3 HYMN XLVIII. Indra.
221Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 3 HYMN L. Indra.
222Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 3 HYMN LII. Indra.
223Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 3 HYMN LII. Indra.
224Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 3 HYMN LIII. Indra, Parvata, Etc.
225Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 3 HYMN LIII. Indra, Parvata, Etc.
226Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 3 HYMN LIII. Indra, Parvata, Etc.
227Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 3 HYMN LIV. Viśvedevas.
228Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 3 HYMN LIV. Viśvedevas.
229Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 3 HYMN LIX. Mitra.
230Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 4 HYMN II. Agni.
231Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 4 HYMN III. Agni.
232Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 4 HYMN III. Agni.
233Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 4 HYMN IV. Agni.
234Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 4 HYMN IV. Agni.
235Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 4 HYMN V. Agni.
236Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 4 HYMN VI. Agni.
237Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 4 HYMN VII. Agni.
238Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 4 HYMN IX. Agni.
239Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 4 HYMN X. Agni.
240Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 4 HYMN XI. Agni.
241Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 4 HYMN XV. Agni.
242Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 4 HYMN XVII. Indra.
243Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 4 HYMN XXI. Indra.
244Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 4 HYMN XXV. Indra.
245Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 4 HYMN XXXIV. Ṛbhus.
246Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 4 HYMN XXXIV. Ṛbhus.
247Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 4 HYMN XXXVII. Ṛbhus.
248Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 4 HYMN XXXVII. Ṛbhus.
249Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 4 HYMN XXXVII. Ṛbhus.
250Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 4 HYMN XXXIX Dadhikrās.
251Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 4 HYMN XLI. Indra-Varuṇa.
252Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 4 HYMN XLIV. Aśvins.
253Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 4 HYMN XLVIL Vāyu. Indra-Vāyu.
254Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 4 HYMN XLIX. Indra-Bṛhaspati.
255Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 4 HYMN LVIII. Ghṛta.
256Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 5 HYMN I. Agni
257Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 5 HYMN III. Agni.
258Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 5 HYMN III. Agni.
259Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 5 HYMN V. Āprīs.
260Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 5 HYMN VI. Agni.
261Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 5 HYMN VII. Agni.
262Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 5 HYMN VII. Agni.
263Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 5 HYMN VII. Agni.
264Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 5 HYMN IX. Agni.
265Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 5 HYMN IX. Agni.
266Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 5 HYMN X. Agni.
267Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 5 HYMN XII. Agni.
268Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 5 HYMN XII. Agni.
269Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 5 HYMN XV. Agni.
270Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 5 HYMN XXV. Agni.
271Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 5 HYMN XXVIII. Agni.
272Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 5 HYMN XLI. Viśvedevas
273Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 5 HYMN XLII. Viśvedevas.
274Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 5 HYMN XLII. Viśvedevas.
275Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 5 HYMN XLIII. Viśvedevas.
276Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 5 HYMN XLIV. Viśvedevas.
277Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 5 HYMN XLIX. Viśvedevas.
278Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 5 HYMN LI. Viśvedevas.
279Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 5 HYMN LII Maruts.
280Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 5 HYMN LII Maruts.
281Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 5 HYMN LIII. Maruts.
282Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 5 HYMN LVII. Maruts.
283Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 5 HYMN LIX. Maruts.
284Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 5 HYMN LXXIV. Aśvins.
285Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 5 HYMN LXXVII. Aśvins.
286Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 5 HYMN LXXXVII. Maruts.
287Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 6 HYMN I. Agni.
288Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 6 HYMN II. Agni.
289Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 6 HYMN II. Agni.
290Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 6 HYMN II. Agni.
291Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 6 HYMN III. Agni.
292Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 6 HYMN VI. Agni.
293Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 6 HYMN VII. Agni.
294Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 6 HYMN VII. Agni.
295Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 6 HYMN X. Agni.
296Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 6 HYMN X. Agni.
297Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 6 HYMN XI. Agni.
298Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 6 HYMN XIV. Agni.
299Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 6 HYMN XV. Agni.
300Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 6 HYMN XV. Agni.
301Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 6 HYMN XVI. Agni.
302Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 6 HYMN XVI. Agni.
303Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 6 HYMN XVI. Agni.
304Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 6 HYMN XVI. Agni.
305Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 6 HYMN XXII. Indra.
306Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 6 HYMN XXIII. Indra.
307Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 6 HYMN XXIII. Indra.
308Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 6 HYMN XXIII. Indra.
309Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 6 HYMN XXVIII. Cows.
310Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 6 HYMN XXIX Indra.
311Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 6 HYMN XXXIV. Indra.
312Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 6 HYMN XXXVIII. Indra.
313Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 6 HYMN XXXIX Indra.
314Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 6 HYMN XL. Indra
315Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 6 HYMN XLI. Indra.
316Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 6 HYMN XLII. Indra.
317Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 6 HYMN XLIV. Indra.
318Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 6 HYMN XLIX. Viśvedevas.
319Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 6 HYMN LIL Viśvedevas.
320Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 6 HYMN LXVIII. Indra-Varuṇa.
321Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 7 HYMN I. Agni.
322Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 7 HYMN I. Agni.
323Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 7 HYMN I. Agni.
324Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 7 HYMN I. Agni.
325Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 7 HYMN II. Āprīs.
326Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 7 HYMN II. Āprīs.
327Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 7 HYMN II. Āprīs.
328Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 7 HYMN III. Agni.
329Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 7 HYMN III. Agni.
330Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 7 HYMN IV. Agni.
331Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 7 HYMN V. Agni.
332Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 7 HYMN VIII. Agni
333Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 7 HYMN IX. Agni.
334Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 7 HYMN X. Agni.
335Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 7 HYMN XI. Agni.
336Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 7 HYMN XI. Agni.
337Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 7 HYMN XI. Agni.
338Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 7 HYMN XI. Agni.
339Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 7 HYMN XIV Agni.
340Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 7 HYMN XIV Agni.
341Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 7 HYMN XV. Agni.
342Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 7 HYMN XV. Agni.
343Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 7 HYMN XVI. Agni.
344Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 7 HYMN XVI. Agni.
345Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 7 HYMN XVI. Agni.
346Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 7 HYMN XVI. Agni.
347Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 7 HYMN XVII. Agni.
348Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 7 HYMN XX. Indra.
349Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 7 HYMN XXII Indra.
350Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 7 HYMN XXII Indra.
351Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 7 HYMN XXIV. Indra.
352Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 7 HYMN XXIV. Indra.
353Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 7 HYMN XXIX Indra.
354Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 7 HYMN XXXII. Indra.
355Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 7 HYMN XXXIII Vasiṣṭha.
356Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 7 HYMN XXXV. Viśvedevas.
357Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 7 HYMN XXXVI. Viśvedevas
358Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 7 HYMN XXXVIII. Savitar.
359Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 7 HYMN XXXIX Viśvedevas.
360Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 7 HYMN XLIII Viśvedevas.
361Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 7 HYMN XLIV. Dadhikrās.
362Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 7 HYMN XLVII. Waters.
363Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 7 HYMN LVI. Maruts.
364Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 7 HYMN LIX. Maruts.
365Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 7 HYMN LXI. Mitra-Varuṇa.
366Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 7 HYMN LXVII. Aśvins.
367Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 7 HYMN LXVIII. Aśvins.
368Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 7 HYMN LXX. Aśvins.
369Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 7 HYMN LXX. Aśvins.
370Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 7 HYMN LXXII. Aśvins.
371Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 7 HYMN LXXXI. Dawn.
372Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 7 HYMN LXXXIV. Indra-Varuṇa.
373Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 7 HYMN LXXXV. Indra-Varuṇa.
374Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 7 HYMN LXXXVII. Varuṇa.
375Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 7 HYMN LXXXVIII. Varuṇa.
376Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 7 HYMN XCII. Vāyu
377Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 7 HYMN XCII. Vāyu
378Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 7 HYMN XCV. Sarasvatī.
379Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 7 HYMN XCVIII. Indra.
380Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 7 HYMN CI. Parjanya.
381Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 7 HYMN CII Parjanya.
382Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 7 HYMN CIV. Indra-Soma.
383Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 8 HYMN II. Indra.
384Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 8 HYMN II. Indra.
385Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 8 HYMN III. Indra.
386Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 8 HYMN VI Indra
387Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 8 HYMN VI Indra
388Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 8 HYMN VII. Maruts.
389Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 8 HYMN VII. Maruts.
390Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 8 HYMN XI. Agni.
391Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 8 HYMN XI. Agni.
392Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 8 HYMN XII. Indra.
393Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 8 HYMN XII. Indra.
394Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 8 HYMN XIII. Indra.
395Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 8 HYMN XIII. Indra.
396Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 8 HYMN XIII. Indra.
397Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 8 HYMN XVII Indra.
398Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 8 HYMN XVIII. Ādityas.
399Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 8 HYMN XIX. Agni.
400Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 8 HYMN XIX. Agni.
401Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 8 HYMN XX Maruts.
402Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 8 HYMN XX Maruts.
403Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 8 HYMN XXIII. Agni.
404Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 8 HYMN XXIII. Agni.
405Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 8 HYMN XXIII. Agni.
406Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 8 HYMN XXIV. Indra.
407Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 8 HYMN XXVI. Aśvins.
408Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 8 HYMN XXVII. Viśvedevas.
409Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 8 HYMN XXVII. Viśvedevas.
410Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 8 HYMN XXVII. Viśvedevas.
411Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 8 HYMN XXXI. Various Deities.
412Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 8 HYMN XXXV. Aśvins.
413Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 8 HYMN XXXIX. Agni.
414Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 8 HYMN XXXIX. Agni.
415Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 8 HYMN XLIII. Agni.
416Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 8 HYMN XLIV. Agni.
417Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 8 HYMN XLIV. Agni.
418Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 8 HYMN XLVI. Indra.
419Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 8 HYMN XLVII. Ādityas.
420Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 8 HYMN XLVIII. Soma.
421Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 8 HYMN XLVIII. Soma.
422Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 8 HYMN XLIX. Agni.
423Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 8 HYMN XLIX. Agni.
424Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 8 HYMN XLIX. Agni.
425Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 8 HYMN LI. Indra.
426Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 8 HYMN LI. Indra.
427Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 8 HYMN LVI. Ādityas.
428Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 8 HYMN LVIII. Indra.
429Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 8 HYMN LIX. Indra.
430Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 8 HYMN LX. Agni.
431Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 8 HYMN LXIII. Agni.
432Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 8 HYMN LXIII. Agni.
433Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 8 HYMN LXIV. Agni.
434Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 8 HYMN LXXI. Indra.
435Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 8 HYMN LXXVI. Aśvins.
436Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 8 HYMN LXXVIII. Indra.
437Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 8 HYMN LXXIX. Indra.
438Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 8 HYMN LXXXII. Indra.
439Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 8 HYMN XC. Various.
440Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 8 HYMN XCI. Agni.
441Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 8 HYMN XCI. Agni.
442Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 8 HYMN XCII. Agni
443Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 8 HYMN I. Indra.
444Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 8 HYMN I. Indra.
445Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 8 HYMN IV. Indra.
446Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 8 HYMN IV. Indra.
447Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 8 HYMN VIII Praskaṇva's Go.
448Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 8 HYMN XI. Indra-Varuṇa.
449Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 9 HYMN VI. Soma Pavamana.
450Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 9 HYMN VI. Soma Pavamana.
451Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 9 HYMN VII. Soma Pavamana.
452Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 9 HYMN X. Soma Pavamana.
453Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 9 HYMN XL Soma Pavamana.
454Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 9 HYMN XIII. Soma Pavamana.
455Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 9 HYMN XVII. Soma Pavamana.
456Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 9 HYMN XVII. Soma Pavamana.
457Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 9 HYMN XXXIII. Soma Pavamana.
458Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 9 HYMN XXXIV. Some Pavamana.
459Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 9 HYMN XXXIX Soma Pavamana.
460Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 9 HYMN LXIV. Soma Pavamana.
461Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 9 HYMN LXVII. Soma and Others.
462Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 9 HYMN LXXV. Soma Pavamana.
463Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 9 HYMN LXXVI. Soma Pavamana.
464Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 9 HYMN LXXXVI. Soma Pavamana.
465Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 9 HYMN XCVIII. Soma Pavamana
466Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 9 HYMN XCIX. Soma Pavamana.
467Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 9 HYMN CI. Soma Pavamana
468Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 10 HYMN I. Agni.
469Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 10 HYMN II. Agni.
470Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 10 HYMN IV. Agni.
471Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 10 HYMN IV. Agni.
472Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 10 HYMN VI Agni
473Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 10 HYMN VIII. Agni.
474Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 10 HYMN XI. Agni
475Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 10 HYMN XI. Agni
476Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 10 HYMN XIV. Yama.
477Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 10 HYMN XIV. Yama.
478Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 10 HYMN XV. Fathers.
479Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 10 HYMN XV. Fathers.
480Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 10 HYMN XV. Fathers.
481Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 10 HYMN XVI. Agni.
482Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 10 HYMN XVI. Agni.
483Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 10 HYMN XVI. Agni.
484Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 10 HYMN XVII. Various Deities.
485Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 10 HYMN XVII. Various Deities.
486Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 10 HYMN XVII. Various Deities.
487Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 10 HYMN XX. Agni.
488Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 10 HYMN XX. Agni.
489Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 10 HYMN XX. Agni.
490Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 10 HYMN XXI. Agni.
491Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 10 HYMN XXIII. Indra.
492Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 10 HYMN XXIV. Indra. Aśvins.
493Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 10 HYMN XXVII. Indra.
494Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 10 HYMN XXVIII. Indra. Vasukra.
495Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 10 HYMN XXX. Waters.
496Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 10 HYMN XXX. Waters.
497Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 10 HYMN XXX. Waters.
498Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 10 HYMN XXXVII. Sūrya.
499Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 10 HYMN XL. Aśvins.
500Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 10 HYMN XLII. Indra.
501Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 10 HYMN XLIII. Indra.
502Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 10 HYMN XLIII. Indra.
503Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 10 HYMN XLIV. Indra.
504Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 10 HYMN XLV. Agni.
505Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 10 HYMN XLVI. Agni.
506Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 10 HYMN XLIX.Indra Vaikuntha.
507Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 10 HYMN LII. Gods.
508Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 10 HYMN LIII. Agni Saucika Gods.
509Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 10 HYMN LIII. Agni Saucika Gods.
510Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 10 HYMN LIV. Indra.
511Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 10 HYMN LVIL Viśvedevas.
512Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 10 HYMN LX. Asamati and Others.-
513Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 10 HYMN LXI. Viśvedevas.
514Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 10 HYMN LXI. Viśvedevas.
515Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 10 HYMN LXI. Viśvedevas.
516Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 10 HYMN LXIII. Viśvedevas.
517Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 10 HYMN LXV. Viśvedevas.
518Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 10 HYMN LXVI. Viśvedevas.
519Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 10 HYMN LXVI. Viśvedevas.
520Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 10 HYMN LXX. Āprīs.
521Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 10 HYMN LXXVI. Press-stones.
522Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 10 HYMN LXXVII. Maruts.
523Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 10 HYMN LXXVIII. Maruts.
524Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 10 HYMN LXXXI. Visvakarman.
525Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 10 HYMN LXXXII. Visvakarman.
526Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 10 HYMN LXXXVI. Indra.
527Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 10 HYMN LXXXVIII. Agni.
528Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 10 HYMN LXXXVIII. Agni.
529Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 10 HYMN LXXXVIII. Agni.
530Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 10 HYMN LXXXVIII. Agni.
531Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 10 HYMN XC. Puruṣa.
532Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 10 HYMN XC. Puruṣa.
533Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 10 HYMN XCI. Agni.
534Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 10 HYMN XCI. Agni.
535Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 10 HYMN XCI. Agni.
536Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 10 HYMN XCII. Viśvedevas.
537Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 10 HYMN XCVI. Indra.
538Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 10 HYMN XCVI. Indra.
539Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 10 HYMN XCVIII. The Gods.
540Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 10 HYMN CVI. Aśvins.
541Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 10 HYMN CX. Āprīs.
542Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 10 HYMN CXV. Agni.
543Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 10 HYMN CXV1. Indra.
544Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 10 HYMN CXVIII. Agni.
545Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 10 HYMN CXVIII. Agni.
546Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 10 HYMN CXXII. Agni.
547Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 10 HYMN CXXIV. Agni, Etc.
548Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 10 HYMN CXXVIII. Viśvedevas.
549Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 10 HYMN CXXXII. Mitra. Varuṇa.
550Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 10 HYMN CXLIII. Aśvins.
551Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 10 HYMN CLX. Indra.
552Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 10 HYMN CLXV. Viśvedevas.
553Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 10 HYMN CLXIX. COWS.
554Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 10 HYMN CLXXII. Dawn.
555Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 10 HYMN CLXXV. Press-stones.
556Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 10 HYMN CLXXVIII. Tārkṣya.
557Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 10 HYMN CLXXXVII. Agni.
558Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 10 HYMN CLXXXVIII. Agni.
559Rig Veda Rig-Veda, Book 10 HYMN CXCI. Agni.
560Yajur Veda Book I
561Yajur Veda Book I
562Yajur Veda Book I
563Yajur Veda Book I
564Yajur Veda Book I
565Yajur Veda Book I
566Yajur Veda Book II
567Yajur Veda Book II
568Yajur Veda Book II
569Yajur Veda Book II
570Yajur Veda Book III
571Yajur Veda Book IV
572Yajur Veda Book IV
573Yajur Veda Book IV
574Yajur Veda Book IV
575Yajur Veda Book IV
576Yajur Veda Book IV
577Yajur Veda Book IV
578Yajur Veda Book V
579Yajur Veda Book V
580Yajur Veda Book V
581Yajur Veda Book V
582Yajur Veda Book VI
583Yajur Veda Book VI
584Yajur Veda Book VI
585Yajur Veda Book VI
586Yajur Veda Book VI
587Yajur Veda Book VI
588Yajur Veda Book VII
589Yajur Veda Book VII
590Yajur Veda Book VII
591Yajur Veda Book VIII
592Yajur Veda Book VIII
593Yajur Veda Book VIII
594Yajur Veda Book VIII
595Yajur Veda Book VIII
596Yajur Veda Book VIII
597Yajur Veda Book IX
598Yajur Veda Book IX
599Yajur Veda Book IX
600Yajur Veda Book X
601Yajur Veda Book XI
602Yajur Veda Book XI
603Yajur Veda Book XII
604Yajur Veda Book XII
605Yajur Veda Book XII
606Yajur Veda Book XII
607Yajur Veda Book XII
608Yajur Veda Book XII
609Yajur Veda Book XII
610Yajur Veda Book XIII
611Yajur Veda Book XIII
612Yajur Veda Book XIV
613Yajur Veda Book XV
614Yajur Veda Book XV
615Yajur Veda Book XV
616Yajur Veda Book XV
617Yajur Veda Book XVI
618Yajur Veda Book XVI
619Yajur Veda Book XVII
620Yajur Veda Book XVII
621Yajur Veda Book XVII
622Yajur Veda Book XVII
623Yajur Veda Book XVII
624Yajur Veda Book XVII
625Yajur Veda Book XVII
626Yajur Veda Book XVII
627Yajur Veda Book XIX
628Yajur Veda Book XIX
629Yajur Veda Book XIX
630Yajur Veda Book XIX
631Yajur Veda Book XIX
632Yajur Veda Book XX
633Yajur Veda Book XX
634Yajur Veda Book XX
635Yajur Veda Book XX
636Yajur Veda Book XX
637Yajur Veda Book XX
638Yajur Veda Book XXI
639Yajur Veda Book XXI
640Yajur Veda Book XXI
641Yajur Veda Book XXI
642Yajur Veda Book XXI
643Yajur Veda Book XXI
644Yajur Veda Book XXI
645Yajur Veda Book XXI
646Yajur Veda Book XXI
647Yajur Veda Book XXI
648Yajur Veda Book XXII
649Yajur Veda Book XXII
650Yajur Veda Book XXII
651Yajur Veda Book XXIII
652Yajur Veda Book XXIII
653Yajur Veda Book XXIII
654Yajur Veda Book XXIV
655Yajur Veda Book XXIV
656Yajur Veda Book XXIV
657Yajur Veda Book XXIV
658Yajur Veda Book XXIV
659Yajur Veda Book XXIV
660Yajur Veda Book XXIV
661Yajur Veda Book XXIV
662Yajur Veda Book XXIV
663Yajur Veda Book XXIV
664Yajur Veda Book XXIV
665Yajur Veda Book XXIV
666Yajur Veda Book XXV
667Yajur Veda Book XXV
668Yajur Veda Book XXV
669Yajur Veda Book XXV
670Yajur Veda Book XXV
671Yajur Veda Book XXVII
672Yajur Veda Book XXVII
673Yajur Veda Book XXVII
674Yajur Veda Book XXVII
675Yajur Veda Book XXVII
676Yajur Veda Book XXVIII
677Yajur Veda Book XXVIII
678Yajur Veda Book XXVIII
679Yajur Veda Book XXVIII
680Yajur Veda Book XXVIII
681Yajur Veda Book XXVIII
682Yajur Veda Book XXVIII
683Yajur Veda Book XXVIII
684Yajur Veda Book XXVIII
685Yajur Veda Book XXVIII
686Yajur Veda Book XXVIII
687Yajur Veda Book XXVIII
688Yajur Veda Book XXIX
689Yajur Veda Book XXIX
690Yajur Veda Book XXIX
691Yajur Veda Book XXIX
692Yajur Veda Book XXIX
693Yajur Veda Book XXIX
694Yajur Veda Book XXIX
695Yajur Veda Book XXIX
696Yajur Veda Book XXX
697Yajur Veda Book XXXI
698Yajur Veda Book XXXI
699Yajur Veda Book XXXI
700Yajur Veda Book XXXII
701Yajur Veda Book XXXIII
702Yajur Veda Book XXXIII
703Yajur Veda Book XXXIII
704Yajur Veda Book XXXIV
705Yajur Veda Book XXXIV
706Yajur Veda Book XXXIV
707Yajur Veda Book XXXIV
708Yajur Veda Book XXXV
709Yajur Veda Book XXXVII
710Yajur Veda Book XXXVII
711Yajur Veda Book XXXVII
712Yajur Veda Book XXXVII
713Yajur Veda Book XXXVII
714Yajur Veda Book XXXVIII
715Yajur Veda Book XXXVIII
716Yajur Veda Book XXXIX
717Yajur Veda Book XXXIX
718Yajur Veda Book XXXIX
719Yajur Veda Book XXXIX
720Yajur Veda Book XXXIX
721Yajur Veda Book XL
722Hymns of Sama Veda FIRST PART BOOK I DECADE I Agni
723Hymns of Sama Veda FIRST PART BOOK I DECADE II Agni
724Hymns of Sama Veda FIRST PART BOOK I DECADE III Agni
725Hymns of Sama Veda FIRST PART BOOK I DECADE IV Agni
726Hymns of Sama Veda FIRST PART BOOK I DECADE V Agni
727Hymns of Sama Veda FIRST PART BOOK I DECADE II Agni
728Hymns of Sama Veda FIRST PART BOOK I DECADE II Agni
729Hymns of Sama Veda FIRST PART BOOK I DECADE II Agni
730Hymns of Sama Veda FIRST PART BOOK I DECADE V Agni
731Hymns of Sama Veda FIRST PART BOOK II DECADE I Agni
732Hymns of Sama Veda FIRST PART BOOK II DECADE I Agni
733Hymns of Sama Veda FIRST PART BOOK II DECADE II Agni
734Hymns of Sama Veda FIRST PART BOOK II DECADE II Agni
735Hymns of Sama Veda FIRST PART BOOK II DECADE I Indra and others
736Hymns of Sama Veda FIRST PART BOOK III DECADE IV Indra
737Hymns of Sama Veda FIRST PART BOOK III DECADE III Indra
738Hymns of Sama Veda FIRST PART BOOK IV DECADE IV Indra
739Hymns of Sama Veda FIRST PART BOOK IV DECADE V Indra and others
740Hymns of Sama Veda FIRST PART BOOK IV DECADE II Indra. Dadhikravan
741Hymns of Sama Veda FIRST PART BOOK IV DECADE III Indra and others
742Hymns of Sama Veda FIRST PART BOOK V DECADE II Agni Indra
743Hymns of Sama Veda FIRST PART BOOK V DECADE III Indra and others
744Hymns of Sama Veda FIRST PART BOOK V DECADE III Indra and others
745Hymns of Sama Veda FIRST PART BOOK VI DECADE II Soma Pavamana
746Hymns of Sama Veda PART SECOND BOOK I XVIII Soma Pavamana.
747Hymns of Sama Veda PART SECOND BOOK I V Indra
748Hymns of Sama Veda PART SECOND BOOK I VI Indra
749Hymns of Sama Veda PART SECOND BOOK I XIX Soma Pavamana
750Hymns of Sama Veda PART SECOND BOOK II XIII Indra
751Hymns of Sama Veda PART SECOND BOOK III XXI Agni
752Hymns of Sama Veda PART SECOND BOOK IV VII Agni
753Hymns of Sama Veda PART SECOND BOOK IV I Soma Pavamana
754Hymns of Sama Veda PART SECOND BOOK IV II Soma Pavamana
755Hymns of Sama Veda PART SECOND BOOK IV III Agni
756Hymns of Sama Veda PART SECOND BOOK IV III Agni
757Hymns of Sama Veda PART SECOND BOOK IV V Indra
758Hymns of Sama Veda PART SECOND BOOK V III Soma Pavamana
759Hymns of Sama Veda PART SECOND BOOK V IX Agni
760Hymns of Sama Veda PART SECOND BOOK V XVI Soma Pavamana
761Hymns of Sama Veda PART SECOND BOOK V X Indra
762Hymns of Sama Veda PART SECOND BOOK VI I Agni
763Hymns of Sama Veda PART SECOND BOOK VI I Agni
764Hymns of Sama Veda PART SECOND BOOK VI I Agni
765Hymns of Sama Veda PART SECOND BOOK VI I Agni
766Hymns of Sama Veda PART SECOND BOOK VI XIX Indra
767Hymns of Sama Veda PART SECOND BOOK VI II Indra
768Hymns of Sama Veda PART SECOND BOOK VI II Indra
769Hymns of Sama Veda PART SECOND BOOK VI XIII Soma Pavamana
770Hymns of Sama Veda PART SECOND BOOK VI XIV Agni
771Hymns of Sama Veda PART SECOND BOOK VII X Agni
772Hymns of Sama Veda PART SECOND BOOK VII III Agni
773Hymns of Sama Veda PART SECOND BOOK VII X Agni
774Hymns of Sama Veda PART SECOND BOOK VII XV Agni
775Hymns of Sama Veda PART SECOND BOOK VII V Agni
776Hymns of Sama Veda PART SECOND BOOK VII IX Visvakarman
777Hymns of Sama Veda PART SECOND BOOK VIII I Agni
778Hymns of Sama Veda PART SECOND BOOK VIII V Vayu, Indra and Vayu
779Hymns of Sama Veda PART SECOND BOOK VIII VII Indra
780Hymns of Sama Veda PART SECOND BOOK VIII IX Indra
781Hymns of Sama Veda PART SECOND BOOK VIII XI Agni
782Hymns of Sama Veda PART SECOND BOOK VIII XI Agni
783Hymns of Sama Veda PART SECOND BOOK VIII XVI Dawn
784Hymns of Sama Veda PART SECOND BOOK VIII XVII Asvins
785Hymns of Sama Veda PART SECOND BOOK IX VI Agni
786Hymns of Sama Veda PART SECOND BOOK IX XI Indra
787Hymns of Sama Veda PART SECOND BOOK IX IX Indra
788Hymns of Sama Veda PART SECOND BOOK IX XII Agni
789Hymns of Atharva Veda I. Charms to Cure Diseases and Possession by Demons of Disease (Bhaishagykni) VI, 83. Charm for curing scrofulous sores called apakit
790Hymns of Atharva Veda I. Charms to Cure Diseases and Possession by Demons of Disease (Bhaishagykni) VI, 32. Charm for driving away demons (Rakshas and Pisâkas)
791Hymns of Atharva Veda II. Prayers for Long Life and Health (Âyushyâni) III, 11. Prayer for health and long life
792Hymns of Atharva Veda III. Imprecations Against Demons, Sorcerers, and Enemies (Âbhikârikâni and Krityâpratiharanâni) X, 1. Charm to repel sorceries or spells
793Hymns of Atharva Veda III. Imprecations Against Demons, Sorcerers, and Enemies (Âbhikârikâni and Krityâpratiharanâni) VIII, 5. Prayer for protection addressed to a talisman made from wood of the sraktya-tree
794Hymns of Atharva Veda III. Imprecations Against Demons, Sorcerers, and Enemies (Âbhikârikâni and Krityâpratiharanâni) VII, 70. Frustration of the sacrifice of an enemy
795Hymns of Atharva Veda III. Imprecations Against Demons, Sorcerers, and Enemies (Âbhikârikâni and Krityâpratiharanâni) VI, 75. Oblation for the suppression of enemies (nairbâdhyam havih)
796Hymns of Atharva Veda V. Charms Pertaining to Royalty (Râgakarmâni) IV, 8. Prayer at the consecration of a king
797Hymns of Atharva Veda V. Charms Pertaining to Royalty (Râgakarmâni) VI, 97. Battle-charm of a king upon the eve of battle
798Hymns of Atharva Veda V. Charms Pertaining to Royalty (Râgakarmâni) XI, 10. Prayer to Trishamdhi for help in battle
799Hymns of Atharva Veda V. Charms Pertaining to Royalty (Râgakarmâni) XI, 10. Prayer to Trishamdhi for help in battle
800Hymns of Atharva Veda VII. Charms to Secure Prosperity in House, Field, Cattle, Business, Gambling, and Kindred Matters II, 26. Charm for the prosperity of cattle
801Hymns of Atharva Veda VII. Charms to Secure Prosperity in House, Field, Cattle, Business, Gambling, and Kindred Matters III, 28. Formula in expiation of the birth of twin-calves
802Hymns of Atharva Veda VII. Charms to Secure Prosperity in House, Field, Cattle, Business, Gambling, and Kindred Matters III, 15. A merchant's prayer
803Hymns of Atharva Veda VII. Charms to Secure Prosperity in House, Field, Cattle, Business, Gambling, and Kindred Matters III, 15. A merchant's prayer
804Hymns of Atharva Veda VII. Charms to Secure Prosperity in House, Field, Cattle, Business, Gambling, and Kindred Matters XI, 2. Prayer to Bhava and Sarva for protection from dangers
805Hymns of Atharva Veda VII. Charms to Secure Prosperity in House, Field, Cattle, Business, Gambling, and Kindred Matters XI, 6. Prayer for deliverance from calamity, addressed to the entire pantheon
806Hymns of Atharva Veda VIII. Charms In Expiation of Sin and Defilement VI, 114. Expiatory formula for imperfections in the sacrifice
807Hymns of Atharva Veda IX. Prayers and Imprecations in the Interest of the Brahmans XII, 4. The necessity of giving away sterile cows to the Brahmans
808Hymns of Atharva Veda IX. Prayers and Imprecations in the Interest of the Brahmans XI, 1. The preparation of the brahmaudana, the porridge given as a fee to the Brahmans
809Hymns of Atharva Veda IX. Prayers and Imprecations in the Interest of the Brahmans XI, 1. The preparation of the brahmaudana, the porridge given as a fee to the Brahmans
810Hymns of Atharva Veda IX. Prayers and Imprecations in the Interest of the Brahmans XI, 1. The preparation of the brahmaudana, the porridge given as a fee to the Brahmans
811Hymns of Atharva Veda IX. Prayers and Imprecations in the Interest of the Brahmans XII, 3. The preparation of the brahmaudana, the porridge given as a fee to the Brahmans
812Hymns of Atharva Veda IX. Prayers and Imprecations in the Interest of the Brahmans XII, 3. The preparation of the brahmaudana, the porridge given as a fee to the Brahmans
813Hymns of Atharva Veda IX. Prayers and Imprecations in the Interest of the Brahmans XII, 3. The preparation of the brahmaudana, the porridge given as a fee to the Brahmans
814Hymns of Atharva Veda IX. Prayers and Imprecations in the Interest of the Brahmans VI, 71. Brahmanical prayer at the receipt of gift
815Hymns of Atharva Veda IX. Prayers and Imprecations in the Interest of the Brahmans XII, 1. Hymn to goddess Earth
816Hymns of Atharva Veda IX. Prayers and Imprecations in the Interest of the Brahmans XII, 1. Hymn to goddess Earth
817Hymns of Atharva Veda IX. Prayers and Imprecations in the Interest of the Brahmans XII, 1. Hymn to goddess Earth
818Hymns of Atharva Veda IX. Prayers and Imprecations in the Interest of the Brahmans XIII, 1. Prayer for sovereign power addressed to the god Rohita and his female Rohinî
819Hymns of Atharva Veda IX. Prayers and Imprecations in the Interest of the Brahmans XIII, 1. Prayer for sovereign power addressed to the god Rohita and his female Rohinî
820Hymns of Atharva Veda IX. Prayers and Imprecations in the Interest of the Brahmans XIII, 1. Prayer for sovereign power addressed to the god Rohita and his female Rohinî
821Hymns of Atharva Veda IX. Prayers and Imprecations in the Interest of the Brahmans XI, 7. Apotheosis of the ukkhishta, the leavings of the sacrifice
822Hymns of Atharva Veda IX. Prayers and Imprecations in the Interest of the Brahmans XI, 7. Apotheosis of the ukkhishta, the leavings of the sacrifice

Tibetan Buddhism: The call of His Holiness the Dalai Lama and the sages for world peace not match "devote | offering | devotion | contribute | dedicate | contributed | contributes | contribution | contributions"

Orthodox Catholic Church: The Old Testament of Holy Scripture

No. Name Content
1Old Testament Sirach 35:9
2Old Testament Genesis 4:3
3Old Testament Exodus 38:29
4Old Testament Leviticus 3:11
5Old Testament Leviticus 3:12
6Old Testament Leviticus 6:23
7Old Testament Leviticus 23:25
8Old Testament Numbers 7:12
9Old Testament Numbers 8:13
10Old Testament Numbers 15:7
11Old Testament Numbers 15:19
12Old Testament Numbers 15:21
13Old Testament Numbers 28:10
14Old Testament Numbers 28:23
15Old Testament I Kingdoms 13:9
16Old Testament I Paralipomenon 22:1
17Old Testament Sirach 34:20

Orthodox Catholic Church: The New Testament of Holy Scripture

No. Name Content
1New Testament Hebrews 10:10
2New Testament Hebrews 10:14

Judaism: “Torah”

No. Name Content
1Genesis 4:3
2Exodus 29:18
3Leviticus 1:2
4Numbers 7:11
5Deuteronomy 20:5
6Judges 17:3
7Samuel 6:18
8Kings 18:29
9Isaiah 66:20
10Jeremiah 44:5
11Ezekiel 20:31
12Hosea 14:3
13Micah 4:13
14Malachi 1:8
15Malachi 2:12
16Chronicles 18:11
17Samuel 7:10
18Kings 10:25
19Daniel 8:12
20Genesis 8:20
21Genesis 22:2
22Genesis 22:7
23Genesis 22:13
24Genesis 31:54
25Genesis 46:1
26Exodus 8:4
27Exodus 8:22
28Exodus 13:15
29Exodus 18:12
30Exodus 20:20
31Exodus 22:19
32Exodus 22:28
33Exodus 23:18
34Exodus 24:5
35Exodus 25:2
36Exodus 29:22
37Exodus 29:25
38Exodus 29:27
39Exodus 29:28
40Exodus 29:31
41Exodus 29:34
42Exodus 29:36
43Exodus 29:38
44Exodus 29:39
45Exodus 29:41
46Exodus 29:42
47Exodus 30:9
48Exodus 30:12
49Exodus 30:13
50Exodus 30:14
51Exodus 30:15
52Exodus 30:20
53Exodus 32:6
54Exodus 32:8
55Exodus 34:15
56Exodus 34:25
57Exodus 35:5
58Exodus 35:22
59Exodus 35:24
60Exodus 35:29
61Exodus 38:29
62Exodus 40:29
63Leviticus 1:3
64Leviticus 1:5
65Leviticus 1:9
66Leviticus 1:10
67Leviticus 1:13
68Leviticus 1:14
69Leviticus 1:17
70Leviticus 2:1
71Leviticus 2:2
72Leviticus 2:3
73Leviticus 2:8
74Leviticus 2:9
75Leviticus 2:10
76Leviticus 2:11
77Leviticus 2:12
78Leviticus 2:13
79Leviticus 2:14
80Leviticus 2:16
81Leviticus 3:1
82Leviticus 3:3
83Leviticus 3:5
84Leviticus 3:6
85Leviticus 3:7
86Leviticus 3:9
87Leviticus 3:11
88Leviticus 3:12
89Leviticus 3:14
90Leviticus 4:3
91Leviticus 4:10
92Leviticus 4:14
93Leviticus 4:32
94Leviticus 4:35
95Leviticus 5:6
96Leviticus 5:7
97Leviticus 5:8
98Leviticus 5:11
99Leviticus 5:25
100Leviticus 6:7
101Leviticus 6:11
102Leviticus 6:13
103Leviticus 6:14
104Leviticus 6:15
105Leviticus 6:16
106Leviticus 6:18
107Leviticus 6:19
108Leviticus 7:5
109Leviticus 7:8
110Leviticus 7:9
111Leviticus 7:11
112Leviticus 7:12
113Leviticus 7:13
114Leviticus 7:14
115Leviticus 7:15
116Leviticus 7:16
117Leviticus 7:18
118Leviticus 7:21
119Leviticus 7:25
120Leviticus 7:29
121Leviticus 7:32
122Leviticus 7:33
123Leviticus 7:35
124Leviticus 7:38
125Leviticus 8:18
126Leviticus 8:21
127Leviticus 8:22
128Leviticus 8:28
129Leviticus 8:29
130Leviticus 8:31
131Leviticus 8:33
132Leviticus 9:2
133Leviticus 9:4
134Leviticus 9:7
135Leviticus 9:8
136Leviticus 9:9
137Leviticus 9:15
138Leviticus 9:16
139Leviticus 9:17
140Leviticus 9:22
141Leviticus 10:1
142Leviticus 10:14
143Leviticus 10:16
144Leviticus 10:19
145Leviticus 12:6
146Leviticus 12:7
147Leviticus 14:12
148Leviticus 14:19
149Leviticus 14:20
150Leviticus 14:30
151Leviticus 15:15
152Leviticus 15:30
153Leviticus 16:6
154Leviticus 16:9
155Leviticus 16:11
156Leviticus 16:20
157Leviticus 16:24
158Leviticus 16:27
159Leviticus 17:4
160Leviticus 17:5
161Leviticus 17:7
162Leviticus 17:8
163Leviticus 17:9
164Leviticus 19:5
165Leviticus 19:6
166Leviticus 19:21
167Leviticus 21:6
168Leviticus 21:8
169Leviticus 21:17
170Leviticus 21:21
171Leviticus 22:18
172Leviticus 22:19
173Leviticus 22:21
174Leviticus 22:22
175Leviticus 22:23
176Leviticus 22:24
177Leviticus 22:25
178Leviticus 22:27
179Leviticus 22:29
180Leviticus 23:8
181Leviticus 23:12
182Leviticus 23:13
183Leviticus 23:16
184Leviticus 23:17
185Leviticus 23:18
186Leviticus 23:19
187Leviticus 23:25
188Leviticus 23:27
189Leviticus 23:36
190Leviticus 23:37
191Leviticus 23:38
192Leviticus 24:7
193Leviticus 27:9
194Leviticus 27:11
195Leviticus 27:21
196Leviticus 27:28
197Leviticus 27:29
198Numbers 3:4
199Numbers 4:16
200Numbers 5:9
201Numbers 6:2
202Numbers 6:5
203Numbers 6:6
204Numbers 6:7
205Numbers 6:9
206Numbers 6:12
207Numbers 6:13
208Numbers 6:14
209Numbers 6:16
210Numbers 6:17
211Numbers 6:21
212Numbers 7:2
213Numbers 7:10
214Numbers 7:12
215Numbers 7:17
216Numbers 7:19
217Numbers 7:23
218Numbers 7:29
219Numbers 7:35
220Numbers 7:41
221Numbers 7:47
222Numbers 7:53
223Numbers 7:59
224Numbers 7:65
225Numbers 7:71
226Numbers 7:77
227Numbers 7:83
228Numbers 7:84
229Numbers 7:87
230Numbers 7:88
231Numbers 8:11
232Numbers 8:12
233Numbers 8:13
234Numbers 8:15
235Numbers 8:21
236Numbers 9:13
237Numbers 15:3
238Numbers 15:4
239Numbers 15:5
240Numbers 15:7
241Numbers 15:8
242Numbers 15:9
243Numbers 15:10
244Numbers 15:13
245Numbers 15:14
246Numbers 15:19
247Numbers 15:24
248Numbers 15:25
249Numbers 15:27
250Numbers 16:35
251Numbers 17:3
252Numbers 17:4
253Numbers 18:6
254Numbers 18:9
255Numbers 18:12
256Numbers 18:13
257Numbers 18:14
258Numbers 18:15
259Numbers 18:17
260Numbers 18:19
261Numbers 18:21
262Numbers 18:28
263Numbers 22:40
264Numbers 23:2
265Numbers 23:4
266Numbers 23:14
267Numbers 23:30
268Numbers 25:2
269Numbers 26:61
270Numbers 28:2
271Numbers 28:3
272Numbers 28:4
273Numbers 28:6
274Numbers 28:7
275Numbers 28:8
276Numbers 28:10
277Numbers 28:11
278Numbers 28:13
279Numbers 28:15
280Numbers 28:19
281Numbers 28:20
282Numbers 28:21
283Numbers 28:23
284Numbers 28:24
285Numbers 28:26
286Numbers 28:27
287Numbers 28:31
288Numbers 29:2
289Numbers 29:6
290Numbers 29:8
291Numbers 29:11
292Numbers 29:13
293Numbers 29:16
294Numbers 29:17
295Numbers 29:19
296Numbers 29:22
297Numbers 29:25
298Numbers 29:28
299Numbers 29:31
300Numbers 29:34
301Numbers 29:36
302Numbers 29:38
303Numbers 29:39
304Numbers 31:37
305Numbers 31:38
306Numbers 31:40
307Deuteronomy 12:13
308Deuteronomy 12:14
309Deuteronomy 12:17
310Deuteronomy 12:27
311Deuteronomy 13:18
312Deuteronomy 14:28
313Deuteronomy 15:21
314Deuteronomy 16:2
315Deuteronomy 16:4
316Deuteronomy 16:5
317Deuteronomy 16:6
318Deuteronomy 16:10
319Deuteronomy 17:1
320Deuteronomy 18:3
321Deuteronomy 26:12
322Deuteronomy 27:6
323Deuteronomy 27:7
324Deuteronomy 32:17
325Deuteronomy 33:10
326Deuteronomy 33:19
327Joshua 6:17
328Joshua 6:18
329Joshua 7:1
330Joshua 7:15
331Joshua 8:31
332Joshua 22:23
333Joshua 24:1
334Judges 3:18
335Judges 5:2
336Judges 5:9
337Judges 6:26
338Judges 6:28
339Judges 11:31
340Judges 13:16
341Judges 13:19
342Judges 16:23
343Judges 20:26
344Judges 21:4
345Samuel 1:4
346Samuel 1:11
347Samuel 1:21
348Samuel 2:13
349Samuel 2:15
350Samuel 2:19
351Samuel 2:28
352Samuel 6:14
353Samuel 6:15
354Samuel 7:9
355Samuel 9:12
356Samuel 10:8
357Samuel 11:15
358Samuel 13:9
359Samuel 13:10
360Samuel 13:12
361Samuel 15:22
362Samuel 16:3
363Samuel 16:5
364Samuel 20:6
365Samuel 6:13
366Samuel 6:17
367Samuel 8:11
368Samuel 15:12
369Samuel 24:22
370Samuel 24:24
371Samuel 24:25
372Kings 2:5
373Kings 3:2
374Kings 3:3
375Kings 3:4
376Kings 3:15
377Kings 8:5
378Kings 8:62
379Kings 8:63
380Kings 8:64
381Kings 9:25
382Kings 10:5
383Kings 11:8
384Kings 12:27
385Kings 12:32
386Kings 12:33
387Kings 13:1
388Kings 13:2
389Kings 18:36
390Kings 22:44
391Kings 3:4
392Kings 3:20
393Kings 3:27
394Kings 5:17
395Kings 10:19
396Kings 10:24
397Kings 12:4
398Kings 12:19
399Kings 14:4
400Kings 15:4
401Kings 15:35
402Kings 16:4
403Kings 16:12
404Kings 16:13
405Kings 16:15
406Kings 17:4
407Kings 17:11
408Kings 17:31
409Kings 17:32
410Kings 17:36
411Kings 18:4
412Kings 22:17
413Kings 23:5
414Kings 23:8
415Isaiah 1:11
416Isaiah 13:3
417Isaiah 18:7
418Isaiah 53:10
419Isaiah 57:6
420Isaiah 57:7
421Isaiah 65:3
422Isaiah 65:7
423Isaiah 65:11
424Isaiah 66:3
425Jeremiah 1:16
426Jeremiah 7:9
427Jeremiah 7:21
428Jeremiah 7:22
429Jeremiah 11:12
430Jeremiah 11:13
431Jeremiah 11:17
432Jeremiah 14:12
433Jeremiah 15:13
434Jeremiah 17:26
435Jeremiah 18:15
436Jeremiah 19:4
437Jeremiah 19:13
438Jeremiah 32:29
439Jeremiah 33:18
440Jeremiah 44:3
441Jeremiah 44:8
442Jeremiah 44:15
443Jeremiah 44:17
444Jeremiah 44:18
445Jeremiah 44:19
446Jeremiah 44:21
447Jeremiah 44:23
448Jeremiah 46:10
449Jeremiah 48:35
450Ezekiel 6:13
451Ezekiel 16:20
452Ezekiel 20:28
453Ezekiel 36:38
454Ezekiel 43:18
455Ezekiel 43:22
456Ezekiel 43:23
457Ezekiel 43:24
458Ezekiel 43:27
459Ezekiel 44:7
460Ezekiel 44:15
461Ezekiel 44:27
462Ezekiel 45:1
463Ezekiel 45:16
464Ezekiel 45:17
465Ezekiel 45:23
466Ezekiel 46:4
467Ezekiel 46:5
468Ezekiel 46:11
469Ezekiel 46:13
470Ezekiel 46:14
471Ezekiel 48:9
472Hosea 2:15
473Hosea 4:13
474Hosea 4:14
475Hosea 8:13
476Hosea 9:4
477Hosea 10:6
478Hosea 11:2
479Hosea 12:12
480Hosea 13:2
481Joel 2:14
482Amos 5:25
483Jonah 1:16
484Jonah 2:10
485Micah 6:7
486Habakkuk 1:16
487Zephaniah 1:8
488Haggai 2:14
489Zechariah 14:21
490Malachi 1:7
491Malachi 1:11
492Malachi 1:14
493Malachi 3:3
494Malachi 3:8
495Chronicles 6:34
496Chronicles 15:26
497Chronicles 16:1
498Chronicles 16:2
499Chronicles 16:40
500Chronicles 21:10
501Chronicles 21:24
502Chronicles 21:26
503Chronicles 21:28
504Chronicles 22:1
505Chronicles 23:13
506Chronicles 23:31
507Chronicles 26:26
508Chronicles 26:28
509Chronicles 29:3
510Chronicles 29:5
511Chronicles 29:6
512Chronicles 29:7
513Chronicles 29:9
514Chronicles 29:14
515Chronicles 29:17
516Chronicles 29:21
517Chronicles 1:6
518Chronicles 2:3
519Chronicles 2:5
520Chronicles 5:6
521Chronicles 7:4
522Chronicles 7:5
523Chronicles 7:7
524Chronicles 8:12
525Chronicles 8:13
526Chronicles 11:16
527Chronicles 13:9
528Chronicles 15:11
529Chronicles 17:16
530Chronicles 23:18
531Chronicles 24:14
532Chronicles 25:14
533Chronicles 28:3
534Chronicles 28:4
535Chronicles 28:23
536Chronicles 28:25
537Chronicles 29:7
538Chronicles 29:11
539Chronicles 29:21
540Chronicles 29:24
541Chronicles 29:27
542Chronicles 29:29
543Chronicles 29:31
544Chronicles 29:32
545Chronicles 30:22
546Chronicles 31:5
547Chronicles 31:14
548Chronicles 32:12
549Chronicles 32:23
550Chronicles 33:16
551Chronicles 33:17
552Chronicles 33:22
553Chronicles 34:4
554Chronicles 34:25
555Chronicles 35:7
556Chronicles 35:8
557Chronicles 35:12
558Chronicles 35:14
559Chronicles 35:16
560Psalms 4:6
561Psalms 16:4
562Psalms 27:6
563Psalms 30:1
564Psalms 40:7
565Psalms 50:14
566Psalms 50:23
567Psalms 51:18
568Psalms 51:21
569Psalms 54:8
570Psalms 56:13
571Psalms 66:15
572Psalms 68:34
573Psalms 72:10
574Psalms 76:12
575Psalms 106:37
576Psalms 107:22
577Psalms 110:3
578Psalms 116:17
579Psalms 136:5
580Psalms 136:6
581Psalms 136:10
582Psalms 136:17
583Job 1:5
584Job 42:8
585Proverbs 15:8
586Proverbs 21:3
587Proverbs 21:27
588Ecclesiastes 4:17
589Ecclesiastes 9:2
590Daniel 2:46
591Daniel 3:3
592Daniel 8:11
593Daniel 9:21
594Daniel 9:27
595Daniel 11:31
596Daniel 12:11
597Ezra / Nehemiah 1:4
598Ezra / Nehemiah 1:6
599Ezra / Nehemiah 2:68
600Ezra / Nehemiah 3:2
601Ezra / Nehemiah 3:3
602Ezra / Nehemiah 3:4
603Ezra / Nehemiah 3:5
604Ezra / Nehemiah 3:6
605Ezra / Nehemiah 4:2
606Ezra / Nehemiah 6:3
607Ezra / Nehemiah 6:9
608Ezra / Nehemiah 6:10
609Ezra / Nehemiah 6:16
610Ezra / Nehemiah 6:17
611Ezra / Nehemiah 7:15
612Ezra / Nehemiah 7:16
613Ezra / Nehemiah 7:17
614Ezra / Nehemiah 8:25
615Ezra / Nehemiah 8:28
616Ezra / Nehemiah 8:35
617Ezra / Nehemiah 9:4
618Ezra / Nehemiah 9:5
619Ezra / Nehemiah 10:19
620Ezra / Nehemiah 10:34
621Ezra / Nehemiah 10:38
622Ezra / Nehemiah 10:40
623Ezra / Nehemiah 12:27
624Ezra / Nehemiah 12:43
625Ezra / Nehemiah 13:31
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